The Future is Female?

343 heroic New York City firefighters lost their lives on September 11, 2001, in service of rescuing countless people from the terrorist attack on the twin World Trade Center towers. How many of those heroes were men? 343. How many were women? ZERO. A disproportionate gender representation of deliverers has been ongoing amidst other catastrophes and tragedies as well.

It is usually proposed that the future should be female run based on the terrible things done throughout history, when life was completely run by men. But that was the fault of bad men, barbarians, and pagans. By eradicating such men and instating righteous, civilized, and Christian men, those atrocities would disappear. Besides, male inventors singlehandedly gave us modern conveniences, without which we would still be living in contaminated mud pits.

Also, men continue to dominate useful fields such as science and medicine, not because of misogynistic oppression, but due to superior ability. Now consider the occupations that women use to make lots of money. It is common knowledge that many work as prostitutes, porn stars, strippers, web cam models, and phone sex workers. But also know that some women make their money selling their farts and/or dirty bathwater in jars, and their used panties, bras, hair, toenail clippings, and suchlike. Foolish simps buy this waste.

In fact, history tells us that men build civilizations and women cause them to rot and die. In reaction to ancient versions of libertine social experiments, ambitious men established their own kingdoms. Knights and fortress castles reestablished masculinity unto men and return to patriarchy. It was a cure to the rotting gynocentric cities. Finally, male headship being God’s will had been affirmed through the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ, who reaffirmed Father God’s desire for patriarchal headship from earliest times.

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