Tag Archives: evil

Evil Defeats Good?

Many are discouraged and disenchanted because evil seems to have defeated good, and it seems like hope is lost. Also, it has been noted that causing destruction is always far easier and faster than bringing about something beneficial.

However, think about how evil operates. It is always necessarily destructive of the good. For example, the suffering and destruction of precious human, animal, or plant life. For without good, evil is ipso facto obliterated, as is frozen fire.

And in diametric opposition to evil’s dependence on good as its life source, good has no more use for evil than a starfish can use a unicycle. Consider that good both comes from and produces good, as daisies come from daisy seeds, and a single daisy can sprout two additional heads and produce seeds of her own. Please keep this wonderful reality in mind.

*****My posts organized according to subject=


Women and Evil

I quote from the Wisdom of Sirach (or Ecclesiasticus), Chapter 25 verses 17-19: “The sadness of the heart is every plague: and the wickedness of a woman is all evil. A man will choose any plague, but the plague of the heart: And any wickedness, but the wickedness of a woman.” Also verses 22-26: “There is no head worse than a serpent’s: And there is no anger above the anger of a woman. It will be more agreeable to abide with a lion and a dragon, than to dwell with a wicked woman. The wickedness of a woman changeth her face: she darkeneth her countenance as a bear. Her husband groaned, and hearing he sighed. All malice is short to the malice of a woman, let the lot of sinners fall upon her.” The Church unanimously adopted Sirach as Scripture for 1,500 years, and Sirach remains in Catholic Bibles.

But today everything in Scripture that is politically incorrect is never read or discussed in church. Now for some quotes from early churchmen, the founding pillars of the Christian religion, about women: Tertullian, circa AD 200: “Woman is a temple built over a sewer, the gateway to the devil. Woman, you are the devil’s doorway. You led astray one whom Satan would not dare attack directly. It was your fault the Son of God had to die; you should always go in mourning and rags.” Saint John Chrysostom, circa AD 375: “Amongst all the savage beasts none is found so harmful as a woman.” Bishop Gregory of Nazianzus, circa AD 380: “Fierce is the dragon and cunning the asp; but women have the malice of both.” Saint Jerome, circa AD 390: “Woman is the root of all evil.”

Saint Augustine, circa AD 400: “Woman was merely man’s helpmate, a function which pertains to her alone. She is not the image of God as far as man is concerned, he is by himself God’s image.” Abbot Odo of Clumy; 10th century: “To embrace a woman is to embrace a sack of manure.” Saint Albertus Magnus, Dominican theologian, 13th century: “One must be on guard with every woman, as if she were a poisonous snake and the horned devil. In evil and perverse doings woman is cleverer, that is, slyer, than man. Her feelings drive woman toward every evil.” Martin Luther and later theologians had similar sentiments. Instead of using these quotes to dismiss the early Church or Christianity in general, here are three considerations:

1) These non-contextual quotes do not mean that men are not evil; they are. It is that people are fooled into thinking that women are sweet and good. 2) Women only manifest evil when they are allowed to dominate men or if they are allowed to regulate their own affairs, not if they are kept under subjection. The understanding is that women are more susceptible to the Devil’s influence since they are more emotional and less logical. For example, Countess Bathory, who tortured and murdered around 650 young women, then bathed in their blood. Despite men’s evil they have created and maintained great civilizations, while no civilization was ever matriarchal. 3) The sentiments of the early Church fathers are vindicated by present day circumstances. Here are some examples:

Hateful paraphernalia exists such as T-shirts and coffee mugs emblazoned with slogans such as “The fastest way to men’s hearts is through their chest”, depicting a heart and bloody dagger. Authoress and journalist Natalie Angier’s New York Times article began “The most persistent and frustrating problem in evolutionary biology is the male. Specifically, why doesn’t he just go away?” Quoting Andrea Dworkin: “I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig.” Quoting Robin Morgan: “Man-hating is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that oppresses them.”

With women’s liberation many women have become mannish, joining the army and marines, taking up martial arts and shooting sports, and carrying weapons. Numerous women have murdered their husbands for insurance money or have attempted to hire a hitman for that end. Regardless, millions of American women abuse the welfare system, which the government sponsors as a means of extortion to rob men. And millions of women murder their babies through abortion. On the Internet, you can see a fetus aborted in the first trimester, cupped in the palm of someone’s hand. It’s clearly a miniature person.

Also, numerous Internet sites discuss the phenomenon of women convincing or tricking men into being castrated and/or mutilated. A site featuring extremely graphic pictures was Girls Castrate Me! on Tumblr. Men get into the position of losing their testicles and sometimes penis as well, under unsanitary, dangerous conditions, without anesthetic, without medical care or knowledge, for the purpose of perverse gratification. Any man who gets himself into such a position must be mentally handicapped or seriously mentally disturbed. If I had a son who was so victimized or victimized by being enticed into deadly drug addiction and losing his life, and the law failed to adequately punish that perpetrator on society’s vulnerable, I would kill that woman.

I would blow her away in the style of Charles Bronson’s vigilantism as featured in the Death Wish movies. Fathers: if you were in that situation and failed to do likewise, you’d be mighty sorry if that woman did such things to yet another son. If people’s evil is not stopped they go on to victimize others, while yet others see what they have gotten away with, and so the number of active predators increases. Regardless, all married men should never associate with or have anything to do with a female that is not a family member if at all possible. All single men should do likewise with the exception of dating prospects, and should also eliminate most women from dating consideration.

But that is still not enough, as we must actively fight against feminism on all fronts. I believe there will be a literal Armageddon: an ultimate physical battle between the evil and righteous on Earth before Judgment Day. I believe that the evil forces will be comprised of women and some perverted men, who will attempt to destroy all real men. The righteous men will have to annihilate them to win the battle. So BE PREPARED.

*****My posts organized according to subject=


The Devil

First, some troublemakers claim that the trustworthy King James Bible mistranslates the Greek word daimoneon into devils, when it should be demons. But that is petty. In fact, according to classical Christianity, there is no difference between Satan and the other fallen angels other than one takes the leadership role. A devil in theology is a supernatural and superhuman being who is completely wicked and malignant. So according to that there are many devils. The first bible translated into English: Wycliffe’s translation circa 1380, and the most accurate Catholic Bible: the Douay-Rheims, both use the term devils as well.

Interestingly, Buddhism has a major supernatural devil called Mara. Jainism allows for the existence of tormenting demons, hence devils, though this is disputed. Yet Satan worshippers do not believe in any devil, since by definition a devil is completely bad. Their alleged being can supposedly benefit people. Neither do Muslims, since Islam’s fallen being Iblis is not fully evil, and sometimes works with Allah for various purposes. The bloody, barbaric Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans certainly lacked a devil figure in their religions. Neither do any backwards, barbaric African tribes postulate any devil or devils.

Another definition of devil is an extremely and malignantly wicked person. I like this definition, since a certain percentage of humans are just that: 100% evil, due to their having no conscience whatsoever. They are commonly known as sociopaths. They have a similar function to what a supernatural devil would. The idea that there is good in everyone is hogwash, although there is certainly some bad in everyone. Granted, some things formerly attributed to a supernatural devil are now adequately explained by science. But can science explain everything? All natural disasters can certainly be explained by science.

Attempts to establish that some are the work of devils or God’s punishment of devilish people consistently fail. The fact that much spiritually styled literature opposes classical Christianity fails as evidence because a simple explanation would be that traditional Christianity is widely opposed because it has the most rules and restrictions. Testimony of current or former occultists or spiritists fails as evidence too since they are likely quite biased. And certainly the existence of a supernatural devil cannot be established just because a religious book testifies to it. Satan may be used as a symbol or worshipped simply for the sake of rebellion against traditional values.

Crimes such as rape and robbery can be fully explained due to survival of the fittest type selfishness. Most murders can be explained by residual barbarism from remnants of primitive genetic components. The phenomena of serial killers can be easily explained by desire to feel godlike over others, and love for mystery, shock, and excitement. Almost every sexual practice, interest, or kink, whether heterosexual, homosexual, or other, likely reflects human personality differences and desire for variety of stimulation, nothing more. However, there are paraphilias and fetishes that involve intense desire to violently amputate one’s limbs, blind oneself, or other wise cause extreme self-mutilation or harm. NOTHING can account for that, including influence of trauma, since cases involved people who never experienced such trauma before.

Extreme mental breakdown cannot either, since such people had competent mental functioning in other aspects. Demonic influence would fit perfectly as the cause. Science can certainly explain all physical handicaps and abnormalities. It also explains many mental conditions. But if all mental conditions were only of natural origin, I would expect some of them to inadvertently have some type of benefit for one with them. For example, in the movie Phenomenon, the man’s fatal brain tumor gave him super intelligence and telekinesis. In the movie Rain Man, the handicapped man’s savant-ism was harnessed to win money in Las Vegas. But in real life, the mental powers of savants only give them abilities that are trivial or not very helpful.

So mental conditions invariably bedevil those who have them, regardless of type. And if all mental conditions were only of natural origin, I would expect some of them to inadvertently have some type of benefit for others who came across those with such conditions. For example, there could be men who could not stop giving away all their money to the needy, or could not stop constantly helping people. Or there could be women who were compelled to strip naked and invite all men to have sex. But in real life, mental conditions consistently offend others, often to the point that they cannot stand being around those afflicted. The conditions bedevil others who do not have them too.

Cases where mental conditions suddenly and mysteriously appear and/or vanish are inexplicable too. In the natural world, life forms with limited brains or no brains either succeed at physically thriving, naturally fail to thrive, or are victimized by other life forms because those life forms gain a food source. They never willingly or even inadvertently self-destruct. Perhaps the fact that humans have such vast brain capacity also allows for the capacity to receive diabolical influence. Then we have bad religion, such as men having the idea that if they blow themselves and others up with bombs, they will be guaranteed a harem of beautiful women in Paradise. Just blaming the stupidity of religion fails on three counts: First, if all bad religion were merely stupid, we could have failed religions that are simply harmless or comical.

For example, a religion that taught that if you capture one thousand female butterflies, you will be guaranteed a harem of women in Heaven. Instead, they are all malevolent. Secondly, adherents to bad religion have shown high intelligence and competence in other areas, such as the terrorists who destroyed New York’s twin towers having the competence to skillfully fly airplanes. If their religion was only due to natural stupidity, I would expect them to be stupid in other aspects too. Thirdly, without religion there have been even more atrocities, committed by atheistic regimes. Summarily, it is beyond a reasonable doubt that supernatural devils certainly exist. By denying that your enemies exist, you have absolutely no defense against them.

Sociopaths Exposed

A sociopath by definition is anyone who has no conscience. They would rather that others be tortured to death than for themselves to lose the slightest advantage. A sociopath loves absolutely nobody but their own self. And since sociopaths comprise an estimated 4% of Americans, it is imperative that everyone AWAKE to this danger and RECOGNIZE it.

However, this subject is usually couched in psychiatric jargon and ideas, most notably by Robert Hare, Martha Stout, and Lillian Glass. Yet psychiatry and modern psychology are often useless or harmful. Therefore this subject must be Christianized. First, psychologists are wrong to say that early Christians did not understand the factors of nature and nurture as regards to sociopathy. Principles of nature and nurture were clearly understood a thousand years before Christianity, as Hebrew scripture testifies to. Besides, it is psychologists who lack the understanding of inherent good and evil.

Their main fault is basing their lists of personal characteristics which supposedly indicate sociopathy primarily on interviews with especially talkative convicted felons. Yet undoubtedly, the great majority of sociopaths never commit major crimes and are walking the streets; not from any moral values, but simply from not willing to risk being imprisoned. And the great majority of convicted felons are men in their twenties through forties. Yet women are just as likely to be sociopaths as men, and underage persons and the elderly are just as likely to be sociopaths as those in their 20s-50s. Therefore, we should throw out the following characteristics which reside on popular sociopathy checklists:

failure to maintain long term relationships, superficial charm, need for stimulation/proneness to boredom, promiscuous sexual behavior, lack of realistic long-term goals, alcohol abuse, narrow focus of interest, and does not learn from experience. Because those characteristics are primarily dependent on a person’s gender, age, culture, upbringing, and mental capacity, they are useless. Besides, counting some of these characteristics, which may be the result of mental handicap, against someone, is unfair judgmentalism. Consider Christian Scripture’s Matthew 7:1-2. Worse yet is Joseph Newman’s list, where he adds good intelligence and suicide threats rarely carried out. So highly intelligent people and severely depressed people should be looked at with a suspicious eye instead of being shown honor and compassion?

REJECT THAT TYPE OF GARBAGE. However, there are other personal characteristics that you should definitely consider, as Christian scripture, 1st Timothy 4:2 notes that some are given over to evil, whose conscience has been figuratively seared with a hot iron. So here is a list of factors that indicate sociopathy, based completely on Christian principles: 1) A history of behavior that resulted in great physical, emotional, financial, or spiritual harm to others; 2) Habitual or compulsive lying 3) Getting people to feel sorry for them as a form of manipulation. That’s because people allow seemingly pathetic persons to get away with most anything. 4) Abuse of animals; 5) Refusal to accept personal responsibility or show remorse for harmful words or actions…………………….

6) Tendency to use and manipulate others for personal gain; 7) Bullying and/or controlling nature; 8) Complete disregard for the feelings, emotions, best interests, or personal safety of others; 9) Undue complaining about others and making people look bad; 10) Callous or blasphemous speech; 11) Lack of appropriate emotional response in the face of intense events; 12) Narcissism, as in the person is either obsessed with themselves, has a grandiose self-image, or refuses to accept constructive criticism; 13) Initially using flattery or other excessive agreeableness in order to blend in or gain favor.

Even with this helpful list we are usually unable to know with absolute certainty whether or not someone is a sociopath. However, if anyone exhibits multiple factors from this list, and won’t change their ways, it is appropriate to totally avoid them as we would avoid a sociopath. That is because the persona in question is guilty of bad behavior regardless, and brought the rejection upon their own self. And trying to outsmart or personally engage with a likely sociopath is always foolish. The only right ways of dealing with them are complete avoidance, warning others about them, and bringing them to justice if warranted.

Now although very few sociopaths are sadistic serial killers or suchlike, the amount of damage they do through legal means can rival the amount of damage done by big time criminals. For example, the amount of money single women manipulate from men and the amount of money women extort from their ex-husbands far exceeds that of all robbers combined. And heartbreaking and emotional devastation is completely legal. Character assassination and false accusations can certainly be devastating. Sometimes the most harmful thing is false information or bad advice, There, YOU’VE BEEN WARNED.

However, we must not pride ourselves if we are not of this sociopathic group. That’s because most people are not nice. For example, only one in five lost wallets are ever returned. So most people are either keeping someone else’s money and/or personal possessions, or don’t care about helping others out. The golden rule requires us to pick up and return found wallets and all their contents, if they have identification in them. So only 20% of people are doing the right thing. Also, everyone has a degree of evil in them. If all of us allowed the evil within us to completely dominate, we’d all be sociopaths. So if you are going the wrong way, change your direction.

Now who could sociopaths be? Female, male, young, old, rich, poor, uneducated, highly educated, single no children, parents with ten children, fat, skinny, tall, short, white, black, brown, yellow, rich, poor, beautiful, handsome, ugly, social outcasts, extremely popular, doctors, lawyers, police officers, judges, religious leaders, atheists, garbage collectors, fast food workers, straight, gay, physically handicapped, athletic, talkative, quiet, brave, fearful, geniuses, mentally retarded, anybody!

In fact, in our fallen world, some of the nicest people are looked at as some of the worst people, and some of the worst people are considered the best, and often considered pillars of the community. Women are especially bad at properly evaluating others. “And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light”——-2nd Corinthians 11:14. The good news is that the Lord Jesus Christ promises justice and righteousness for all in the next life. But until then, BEWARE.

A YouTuber Blasts Humanity; I Comment

Howdy. T J Kirk, known as “The Amazing Atheist”, made a philosophical video that was so good, I felt compelled to present it. However, parts of it were objectionable, so I edited and critiqued it. Here goes: T J said “This is about how humanity is a festering pile of shit, and I hate the entire species. So, not my most uplifting material, but I was in a bad mood; enjoy.”

T J continued: “Sometimes people say: ‘T J, why don’t you care more about the fate of humanity? Here’s why: humanity is a collective of pieces of shit, whose totality is a giant turd. What’s to care about? Humanity at its worst, is a bunch of murderous, warmongering jackals and rapists. If you need to verify this, simply crack open a history book or turn on CNN. You might have to wait awhile on CNN though. They’ll probably tell you about some bimbo actress’s latest dress long before they expose the death toll in Syria. But if you’re patient, they’ll eventually remind you with ‘Oh yea, while we distract you with shiny people with bubbly personalities, the whole world crumbles around you.” And I AGREE with him.

He then said “At best humanity is a bunch of simple-minded A-holes who are so misinformed, they think voting means something.” Instead, I say: Humanity is so misinformed, they are ignorant of gender, race, and other basic facts about people, and think that good is evil and evil is good. As for voting, T J was right at the time, when all candidates were basically the same. But voting became important again since we again had diverse candidates.

T J said: “You have to choose between the authoritarian right and the slightly less authoritarian right. Most Americans accept this blatantly false dichotomy as an exercise in freedom.” He’s right about our limited choices, but our choices are actually either the slightly Left or the far Left.

He went on: “It’s no different in most other countries. The UK still even has monarchs rattling around. They say ‘Well the monarchs don’t really have any power. They’re more like a figurehead.’ Well congratulations on that. You’ve managed to pay for, with your tax money, people who do nothing except attend ceremonies, and live in the lap of luxury! Why? Because they came out of a royal vagina, instead of a peasant vagina. Yea, you’re so enlightened.” And I AGREE with him.

T J observed: “Some people say we are redeemed by our geniuses. You know, Shakespeare and Einstein and all of that. Yea, Shakespeare wrote some poignant plays. But how many people understand them? We’ve produced some incredible minds, but um, RESULTS NOT TYPICAL. I repeat, results not typical!” And I AGREE with him.

T J griped: “Einstein revolutionized our understanding of the cosmos. But most Americans still think that everything was created by a vengeful wizard who lives in the sky. And he’s invisible.” But T J was completely WRONG. It was *William & Caroline Herschel* who revolutionized our understanding of the cosmos. And they were God-fearing, committed Christians, the Christian God being unlike T J’s poor caricature of God.

T J then complained: “Every day people starve to death, people fight in wars, girls have their clitorises removed, people are forced to work in deadly mines and inhospitable sweat shops. Those are just a handful of things going on right now. Not on some other planet, but on Earth. Not in some distant past, but NOW. And every day, we do nothing.” What he said is CERTAINLY TRUE. He did concede: “I’m not unsympathetic to those who cling to hope. I too have seen extraordinary acts of kindness and love from the species. Many people try to do good.” And I agree.

T J explained: “Here’s the problem. To create something, it takes cooperation, understanding, compassion, drive. To destroy something, all it takes is one little action. For example: to build the Twin Towers took architects, construction workers, factory workers, shipping companies, inspectors, and an infrastructure. To destroy everything they worked on only took a few hijackers and a couple planes.” I kind of agree, but it took lots of time to develop a big hostile organized culture and the technological weapons in order to arrive at terrorism.

He also remarked: “John F Kennedy’s entire cognition was destroyed by a tiny piece of metal. It took an entire democracy to elect Kennedy, but only one man with a rifle to nullify their choice.” T J was right to bring up this tragedy. But I would have brought up the story of Abraham Lincoln instead, since the same thing happened to him, and he was a far better president than Kennedy.

He continued: “That’s why we’re irreparably bleeped. Complex things of beauty, things that symbolize our greatest accomplishments, can be taken away from us in an instant by any thug with the willpower and modest resources to do so. Creation is hard, destruction is easy. So evil has a serious inherent advantage in our world. So………………….anyone who wants the rosy view of humanity and its chances for a bright shining future, must contend with THAT. Good luck.” T J is right. But the saved in Christ have hope in the next life, after God makes everything right.

To possibly motivate his viewers, T J remarked: “Think about what you are: You are a miracle of evolutionary biology. You have a highly developed brain capable of greater leaps of cognition than any other species on the planet.” I agree save for one thing: You are rather, a miracle designed by God. In the end, T J offered no solution, and peddled his merchandise. My solution is for people with extra intelligence and higher morals to do their best to enforce their ideas and culture, and eventually use genetics to breed more intelligent and morally upright people.