Tag Archives: Blacks, Race, Etc.

Cold War in America

A cold war is one where instead of the primary component being physical fighting, its main component is ideological and political struggle for widespread geographic influence. And instead of the conflict between the United States and Russia, I’m talking about the 21st century Civil War going on between fellow Americans.

I’m not dealing with animal rights, capitalism vs. socialism, climate change, gun rights, handicapped rights, or marijuana laws here. Though these concerns are important, they appear to be separate issues. Nor am I dealing with centrists, the undecided, or those who are a mixture of both camps.

I’m addressing the general major values of both polarized camps. Here they are:

Higher Authority (?): LEFT WING = antireligious, choose your own religion, or nonreligious. RIGHT WING = traditional Christianity. From which usually come………………………………………..

Human Authority: LEFT WING = gender equality or matriarchy. RIGHT WING = patriarchy.

Human Behavior: LEFT WING = behavior primarily caused by society’s influence. RIGHT WING = behavior primarily comes from self.

Basic Units of Society: LEFT WING = alternative lifestyles equal to the traditional nuclear family. RIGHT WING = traditional family of one man/one woman married for life mandatory (or just staying single).

Abortion: LEFT WING = “pro-choice” (abortion okay). RIGHT WING = “pro-life” (anti-abortion).

Gender: LEFT WING = interchangeable gender roles and gender fluidity. RIGHT WING = complementarian and two fixed genders and gender roles from birth.

Race: LEFT WING = critical race theory, egalitarianism, or multiculturalism. RIGHT WING = manifest destiny, natural hierarchy, or “race realism”.

Can we agree to disagree here? “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3) NO. Not even by agreeing on just half. We should avoid a hot physical war over this. But we should not immediately cancel one another either. Instead, the crucible of logical debate forges truth. Quoting poet John Milton: “Let her [truth] and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter?” But failing to unite, we must go our separate ways.

*****My posts organized according to subject=


Apology to the Black Race

Here is an article that exists in several forms on the Internet, author unknown. I found none of the versions to be satisfactory. Therefore, I have sculpted the piece into what I feel is a more accurate, concise, and appropriate presentation. Here it is:

To the Black race living in America, we the peach complexioned race (better known as White) that came to these shores from Europe, do hereby apologize.

We apologize for freeing you from slavery by fighting a horrible war among ourselves that cost the lives of almost two million of our own race, over which you have never told us you appreciate our freeing you. And for forcing other nations to outlaw the slavery which your ancestors had practiced for thousands of years, even though Black nations on your home continent still practice it today.

We apologize for introducing Christianity to you and dragging you away from the Voodoo you previously followed, although you have managed to sneak Voodoo back into African Christianity.

We apologize for providing you with medical care instead of leaving you under the witchdoctors you used before we arrived, resulting in your ability to survive all sorts of diseases. Especially for trying to create a vaccine to stop the AIDS epidemic in Africa, AIDS being a disease that originated with your race.

We apologize for developing farms in our own lands which you have never been able to do, and that to this day feed most of your race still living in Africa. And for coming to Africa and building farms, from which you have now run us off of and have sometimes devastated beyond use.

We apologize for creating custom made garments instead of the loincloths you wore, and for creating shoes instead of leaving you barefoot as you were before we arrived in Africa. And for building solid, heated, and cooled homes instead of the ramshackle huts you were living in before we arrived, in which most of your race is still living in Africa.

We apologize for taking precious metals from the earth on your home continent of Africa, metals which you neither knew were there nor would know how to use if you did. We apologize for inventing electrical appliances and plumbing which you benefit from, which no Black civilization has ever been able to create. And for building highways, bridges, and railroads, which you use daily to move about, without you thinking about or appreciating their origins.

We apologize for building schools for you which we have had to repair over and over after you vandalized them beyond use. And for promoting your children in school as if they were astute in arithmetic and grammar when we should have made sure they were accustomed to manual labor.

We apologize for building factories and businesses that employ you, if you so desire to work, and for creating millions of bureaucratic jobs within our government system to give you employment. And for creating quota systems and forced employment programs to make sure you have good jobs, if you so desire to work.

We apologize for creating the extremely expensive system of welfare and food stamps, funds which your race receives a disproportionate amount, and in consequence many of your race have not had to work.

We apologize for creating hundreds of charities that funnel billions of dollars of our charitable donations to nations run by your race, because your race cannot take care of itself by itself anywhere you live. And for those among us who have established charitable organizations and have donated their lives to make life easier and better for your race, although most often to no good result.

We apologize for defeating much of the Communist threat, which cost us several trillion dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives, but whose doctrines you still wish to have implemented on our race to further tear us down.

We apologize for teaching you a complex language, which has allowed you to take part in our philosophies, culture, arts, and literature. For without our teaching you our language, you could not have learned the teachings of Marx, Mao, Stalin, Trotsky, Lenin, Malcolm X, and others who hate our race, who have brainwashed you into believing our race is evil and that you are severely oppressed.

We apologize for placing you under the form of government our forefathers died to create, instead of leaving you under the anarchy you lived under before we arrived. And for paying the majority of federal and state taxes, to maintain these governments which protect and promote you, though you fight against us.

We apologize for giving you the right to vote, so you could take over all our major cities and turn them into high taxed, crime ridden cesspools.

We apologize for promoting and buying your music, although you often refuse to buy ours. And for talking and acting as you do, although you often refuse to talk and act like us.

We apologize for allowing you to star in movies and TV shows which elevate you to a fictional heroic level that you have never reached in your life. And for inventing and promoting sports so that Black athletes can be idolized by the entire country.

We apologize for creating this false image of yourselves in your minds, for we realize after all the years of trying to help you that you cannot solve problems, provide leadership, nor create original thoughts, and the image we have placed in your minds causes you to live in a delusional world.

We apologize for thinking we could teach you to learn to build and help others, when you tend to tear down and take from others instead. Moreover, for thinking we could civilize you when you have proven that it is an impossible task.

For all the wrongs we have carried out against you we apologize deeply and unreservedly, and if you will please accept our apology, we shall happily and immediately take back all the aforementioned evils we have perpetrated against you. We have enjoyed having you here, but because you claim we have been, and are still being so mean to you, we would like to atone by returning you to your home continent if you so desire.

The traitors of our race who hate their own culture and heritage could go with you, and we won’t offend them anymore either. So, do you accept our apology? Do we have a deal? Please let us know soon!

*****My posts organized according to subject=


Carla & Lina

Ever heard of the movie Thelma & Louise starring actresses Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis? In this gynocentric feminist road movie, the title characters conclude that the world is unacceptably oppressive toward women, so they rebel against it. In real life there is “Carla & Lina”, also two American women. But unlike Thelma and Louise, who used beauty, sex appeal, and tomboyishness to get male viewers to swallow their feminism, Carla and Lina (last names withheld) use religion and an intellectual persona. I have known them both personally and must vent my frustration over some of their offensive qualities. You may think, why focus on these women instead of women who were ornery serial killers or whatnot?

The reason is, everybody already knows the nature of such women, so I would not be teaching anything new. Secondly, such women are/were locked away forever, thus having no power or influence. And consider that no rational person would glug down a jug of poison but would certainly consume appealing food with some of that poison contained within. Then there’s Oprah Winfrey, with great power and influence, who also claims to be Christian. However, unlike Carla and Lina who claim the exclusiveness of Christianity, Oprah treats her Christian belief like a favorite ice cream flavor. According to her, even if Atheism works better for you, that’s good too. Her hypocrisy has been publicly addressed many times, which expose’ bounces off recalcitrants like rubber balls off brick walls.

Another reason why I juxtapose Carla and Lina is that one is married and Catholic, the other, single and Protestant. I’m showing that neither one’s marital status nor particular denomination is any focus here. In fact, I loved the Catholic Church. It pained me that I felt the need to leave based on Pope Francis’s policies and other Modernist ideas I found unacceptable. I still feel that you can be both Catholic and Christian, so that’s irrelevant. Neither is Lina’s virginity past age fifty any of my concern; another red herring I avoid. However, as a history student it shocks me that secular society’s common definition of being a “successful woman” is to compete with men in the workplace, instead of a woman’s success being defined as an excellent wife and mother.

But both Carla, President of a tax service, and Lina, a doctor and boss of an ER, use advanced education as a catalyst to not only compete with but trump other men in the workplace and in society. While traditionally and biblically only men owned homes outside of widows and harlots, Lina went beyond today’s idea of joint ownership to own a home in her own name alone. That made her a perverted type of husband, as single women throughout Judeo-Christian history were to live with their parents. And Carla goes beyond joint ownership, taking the leadership over her husband career-wise and dominating verbally. They turn traditional Judeo-Christian understanding upside down.

That is, from the legendary Adam and Eve archetype, through the Apostles Peter and Paul’s proclamation of necessary patriarchal authority and headship, and past the unanimous mandate of early Church leaders who clearly spelled out male authority, without even a whiff of First Wave feminism, let alone today’s feminism. Also consider that Carla exclaimed “Women had no rights before 1920.” This is extremely insulting to women in Third World countries who had no right to be free from violence, starvation, homelessness, or degrading conditions and who were dismissed. Also, totally unlike women throughout United States history, who were cherished by chivalrous men. And even after obtaining independence, financial wealth, and wide admiration, Lina still declared that she sometimes felt pressed down by glass ceilings.

Carla never self-identified as a feminist in my presence, while Lina denies being a feminist. Yet they are both clearly radical feminists by historical standards. What about honesty? Or is that another pillar of Christianity to be ignored? Lina denying being a feminist is like a three-sided shape denying being a triangle. What actually does press down American women is their bad attitude of being spoiled brats. Also, I must proclaim that no group of people with any special authority, clout, or position has any lower percentage of harmful people. Not one scintilla. Yet apparently, many think that special classes rarely have odious members among them. Some may think that certain groups are immune from oppugnancy.

But denying it changes nothing. Specifically, obtaining a PhD, MD, doctorate, law degree, or religious title cannot bestow altruism, empathy, honesty, or wisdom on someone who did not have it to begin with. Certainly not a Bachelor of Science in psychology. As I explain in my thesis on psychiatry and psychology, these professions have no more validity than being a witchdoctor. Self-serving, bigoted, dishonest, or foolish people obtaining such aforementioned statuses is like putting perfume on a turd. The universal bigotry favoring parents against non-parents is even worse, since there are zero qualifications needed to reproduce besides preexisting biology.

It should be apparent that God did not design women to be leaders. In such positions they have regularly demonstrated a sore lack of judgment, often replacing logical and calculating thought with flighty emotions. Many women, even if reaching a hundred years old, never mature. And I have written a thesis which explains how harmful feminism is. Now here are examples of Carla and Lina’s outrageous misthinking:

{Carla: Since Carla was a former psychologist, I mentioned to her a psych clinic which I discovered was corrupt, and that I wanted to report it. So, she referred me to a phone number to complain, which I discovered was part of a scam Indian call center. I was disillusioned with the Catholic Church, so I wanted to disburden that and receive sympathy. But instead, Carla insinuated that I was attempting to persuade her to leave the Catholic Church, which was nonsensical since I was still part of it……………………

Carla castigated me for having a bad temper and excessive anger. Yet I was only briefly reacquainted with her after many years. Thus, she had no chance to gauge my disposition. Apparently, she listened to gossip from a mutual acquaintance whom we both knew for decades. Not only is it wrong to give credence to gossip, here the gossip was a lie. Though I can become irate if people purposefully anger me, they create a self-fulfilling prophecy. A beaten dog will eventually bite. And ironically, I had to cut off contact with the gossiper over her angry outbursts……………………..

Carla also made other negative assumptions. Now I wanted to unburden the problems with my father and mentioned my dislike of him, expecting sympathy. Instead, Carla castigated me for disliking my father. It saddens me that I find it impossible to have a relationship with my father, since he lies relentlessly and would regularly try to reduce me to an ignorant child. And Carla, a claimed believer, was siding with an unbeliever against another believer. Again, the parent bias. In fact, after revealing any legitimate sin or fault to Carla, expecting compassion or advice, she would just throw it back in my face.}}}

{Lina: Yes, there are two camps today as far as women pastors: egalitarians (pro) and traditionalists (con). But that should not be, as Scripture is unambivalent: Christian religious leaders of men must be men. Yet Lina has created her own ministry and heads it, exceeding that of being a local pastor. In fact, Scripture further states that women should be silent in church (1st Cor.14:34-35, 1st Tim.2:11-12). Lina is also egalitarian on race. But instead of respecting the traditionalist view of race, she excoriates it by painting every White Nationalist as an evil hater and ignorant, although there are devout Christians among them………………

It is absurd (and racist) that Lina stated, “I’m a little ashamed to be White”, since she is not considered White by any “race realist”, as she is Middle Eastern. Lina fawns over Michael “Martin Luther” King, a proven adulterer, plagiarist, and member of an anti-Christian Communist party. We are to rebuke openly sinful believers, not glorify them. In fact, I have authored a thesis which exposes the fallacy and danger of the egalitarian race position. Lina grabs the attention of lonely people by stating that loneliness is a silent soul killer. Yet in one video on it she starts with some self-promotion, then just throws in a few sophomoric religious cliche’s………………

She also made the deceptive statement “Not all singles are lonely, and marrieds can be lonely too.” That’s like saying that non-coal miners can get black lung disease too. Most single women can easily avoid loneliness, but not the average single man who also is handicapped. I’ll translate what Lina says about loneliness into simple English: “Are you lonely? Just suck it up.” Lina states “I’ve been told that my messages are completely grounded in God’s word.” But by whom? Popular opinion? To help know the original interpretations of Scripture instead of Modernist heresies, read A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs; David W. Bercot, Editor.}}}

I have not mentioned every problem with these women. I’m just trying to be brief. To put things succinctly, both women are initially friendly and reflect compassion. They may appeal to men and the handicapped such as those with autism, who might think that these women have psychological and spiritual help to offer. Having confidence in such people, and thus letting them in like a Trojan horse opens you up to getting hurt. They do a disservice to nonhandicapped females too, as feminism breeds victim mentality.

At the end of Thelma & Louise, the title characters choose to drive off a cliff to their deaths to escape a world which supposedly oppresses American women to an extreme degree. (Which is of course delusional fantasy). Now if Carla and Lina refuse to change, I would hope they would likewise plunge to their deaths. Or end up as roadkill. And don’t judge me as being too harsh, as The Bible itself has many brutal things to say about those who live in rebellion, any type of rebellion. So don’t cherry-pick the pleasant passages like Carlas, Linas, and most “Christians” do! The lesson here, as I’ve also stated elsewhere, is to never trust anybody, only God alone.

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Capitalism VS. Communism: The Solution!

There are two major politico-economic systems: Capitalism and Democratic Socialism/Communism, which I call Marxism. Both systems have FATAL flaws. Capitalism fails to protect the nation’s many mentally and physically handicapped people, while Marxism fails by often trying to provide for everyone on Earth, and without measures to prevent people from being handicapped to begin with. That bankrupts the system. Capitalism fails to help the poor, such as when gifted students of poor parents cannot afford college, while Marxism promises *everyone* free college, which, if such a thing was possible, would bankrupt the system.

Capitalism can actually destroy the work ethic. For example, you can be running a successful business. But if several other parties open the same type of business on the same streetcorner, profits will be divided between each one, and you could all end up starving. Capitalism causes job loss when businessmen decide to import or export cheap labor. Marxism destroys the work ethic by creating artificial equality: heavily taxing hard workers and giving the money to the lazy and unproductive.

Capitalism often ignores *baseline objective value*. For example, farmers, who work extremely hard to produce products necessary for our survival often go bankrupt, while those who own companies that produce the latest gadgets that we can do without often become filthy rich. Capitalism also exploits *subjective value*. For example, those with life threatening conditions get charged a half million dollars for two hours of surgery because they are desperate, instead of a fair hourly rate according to the baseline value for surgery. Marxism robs society of things of objective value and exploits its power by causing the government to have extreme *inter-subjective value*.

So, Capitalism harms the elderly, handicapped, less ruthless, and poor in many ways. It is covered by the lie that everyone has the same opportunity. Marxism harms everyone through a giant government taking most everything, failing to create prosperity, and dominating its people. It is covered by the lies that everyone is identical and is in the same circumstances or should be, and that Marxism is needed. Neither system has a decent long-term plan four our economic, moral, or social interests. For thorough explanations as to why these systems fail, check out books, videos, or websites to help you. A Third Position solves these problems. To illustrate how different it is, let’s call Capitalism Blue, and Marxism Red. The Third Position would be Goldenrod.

I call this third position Folk-ism. It demands productivity and personal responsibility from everyone, engenders empathy between government and citizens, and cares for the disadvantaged. Caring for the disadvantaged requires socialism. But this has nothing to do with Marxist or Democratic “socialism”. It is on a different planet. Folk-ism employs the socialism that immediate families of a husband, wife, children, and elderly grandparents employ. As families expect each other to do their part, they also know that other members need support. They can also cultivate good qualities and squash the bad more easily because of having commonalities and being familiar with them.

But for a successful society, this micro-Folk-ism must be expanded into a community or nation. But again, unrestricted socialism fails completely. So, what should be the primary restrictions that stop people from leeching off and overburdening each folkish community or state? Consider the following: We cannot separate groups based on height, weight, or age, since they change throughout one’s lifetime, and naturally, all families are mixtures of different sizes and ages. For those same reasons we cannot separate groups based on experiences, hobbies, health, jobs, marital status, or wealth. We can separate groups by region, but *not by region alone*. That would cause everyone to swarm into one region to take advantage of it. Also, some regions have insufficient populations to enact largescale Folk-ism.

Concerning religion, people can possibly change from Christian to Atheist to Buddhist, etc. over decades. And people lie or go through the motions to appear to hold the same religion or lack of religion as those around them. So, we cannot properly create folkish groups upon religion. Neither can we separate groups based on gender, since the vast majority of people are heterosexual. So, societies always desire a mixture of male and female. That leaves us only with ethnicity or race. Since it’s impossible for race-mixed families to adopt Folk-ism, they are stuck with the other systems. But the focus of this article is non-mixed families.

Societies separated themselves by race and even sub-races or ethnicities throughout history. Those constructs worked and continue to work in Japanese society. Notably, the Dali Lama campaigned for a region of China to be set aside for the Tibetan people, and ONLY for the Tibetan people. And note that in the vast majority of cases one’s race can be instantly recognized. And today almost everyone’s family origin is officially documented. Even without documentation, everyone’s race can be proven through genetic testing. And neither race nor ethnicity can ever change. Also, every race and ethnicity can form their own folkish group. Folk-ism requires every group to be separate and apart. This includes limiting imports, exports, and foreign aid as much as possible.

So, left to themselves, each self-efficient group would naturally increase in number, and every incompetent group would naturally decrease in number. That’s only fair. Besides, the propaganda of race mixing started because some people wanted to take advantage of those of other races, and some people wanted to leech off more successful ones. Separatism stops that. In the Bible’s Daniel chapter 2 Daniel clearly states that widely differing people groups cannot mix, which is where we get the famous feet of clay expression. If Daniel was wrong, he would be a false prophet. But the Lord Jesus Christ repeatedly quotes Daniel in Christian scripture, giving Daniel his seal of approval.

So, that proves that the idea of the United States creating a great American melting pot is dead wrong. An obvious problem with it is the dozens of race riots that have occurred throughout American history. And if the government and most of its citizens are of different racial backgrounds, the government tends not to respect its citizens, and the citizens tend to distrust their government. That’s because most people instinctively prefer people of their own race and ethnicity more than those of others.

This has been true throughout history, and no amount of forced integration, teaching people that race is meaningless, or screaming racism will ever change that. It is human nature. And having everyone be of the same race can foster a sense of having a large extended family, which includes both citizens and their government. That’s why I call it Folk-ism. One’s folk is one’s own people who have the same characteristics and character. It is most commonly called National-Socialism. To fully understand this National-Socialism you must digest other works of mine on this subject.

Who’s the Jew? Is it Me or You?

Most people think they know what being a Jew/Jewish is, when they DON’T. Even you, reader, are extremely unlikely to know the full extent of these words and their multiple meanings. So, I explain: First, the English word Jew comes from the biblical character Jacob’s fourth son Judah (in Hebrew: Yehudi) meaning “from the Kingdom of Judah”. Now there are four major types of Jews: those with a Jewish bloodline, those who practice a form of Judaism, Gentiles who serve Jewish interests, and ones who follow God’s full revelation as revealed in Jesus Christ. These can sometimes overlap. Expositions:

{#1~ Jewish ethnicity: Originally, ancient Hebrew texts and oral history said/say there was/is a Chosen People based on race/ethnicity. Though they say that God specifically chose the Hebrews for His revelation, and that they were prescribed religious practices and rituals, unlike Christians, they largely refrained from sharing their beliefs, let alone proselytizing. Instead, they were a closed community and remain so until today. Also, their religion was not based on faith. In fact, ancient texts record that Israelites often lacked faith in their God. And anyone outside of the Twelve Tribes was considered a non-Israelite. Today around half of Israelites are Atheists, the highest percentage of Atheists of any ethnic group…………..

Yet most Jews, including religious ones, consider such people fully Jewish if they have an established Jewish bloodline. And most Jews, including religious ones, reject people’s claim to be Jewish even if they have adopted a form of Judaism, but lack an established Jewish bloodline. And most ethnic Jews treat non-Jews as inferior, and privately refer to them by the pejorative term goy/s. They overly promote Jewish interests to a level of racial supremacy (Zionism). Therefore, being a Jew is more race than religion. Ethnic Jews are often immediately recognized by their names. For instance, Jewish men often have first names based on Old Testament men or tribes, such as Abraham, Benjamin, Isaac, Jacob, or Levi. Last names sometimes start with Fish, Katz, Gold, or Silver, and/or end with baum, berg, ……………….

man, sky, stein, or witz. Those with such last names almost always have Jewish ethnicity. Some have changed their names to conceal their Jewish ethnicity. Examples: Rodney Dangerfield was Jacob Cohen. Members of the Three Stooges: Moe, Curly, and Shemp Howard, were Moses, Jerome, and Samuel Horowitz. Larry Fine was Louis Feinberg. Ethnic Jews have white to olive skin (never black, dark brown, or yellow). They often have extra-large and/or hooked noses. They are more likely to have black hair and brown eyes than Gentile Whites, and less likely to have blonde or red hair and blue or green eyes. Curly hair is much more prevalent among ethnic Jews than Gentile Whites. And they sometimes have narrower heads.}

#2~ Judaism: Today there are four major branches of Judaism as far as being akin to the original, in descending order: Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist. But even Orthodox Jews fail to adhere to original Judaism in that animal sacrifice was an integral part of it. But their religious texts specified that no sacrifice was to be made except on the altar of Jerusalem’s temple. Since the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and its temple in AD 70, animal sacrifices ceased from then until now, and hence, no group practices original Judaism.

{#3~ Favoring Jewish Interests: Large numbers of Gentiles are obsequious, groveling, or subservient to ethnic Jews. For instance, politicians such as Presidents who publicly wore a kippah or yarmulke, hired a disproportionate number of ethnic Jews, approved of their daughters marrying ethnic and religious Jews, or who gave special attention to Israel to the neglect of others. And we have the Hollywood crowd who fawns over the Jews by starring in pro-Jewish movies, having star of David tattoos, loosely adopting Kabbalah, a form of Jewish mysticism, or even adopting a Jewish surname (such as Caryn Johnson into Whoopi Goldberg)………

Both the United States government and Hollywood are infested with liberal Jews. Many work towards subverting and dismantling Gentile White and traditional Christian culture. Then we have some Christian groups who still consider the Jews the Chosen People and send massive amounts of money to Israel. This completely contradicts what Christian scripture says about what the Jews have become. These perverted groups should have their buildings bulldozed into the ground and be forced to disband. I shall explain shortly.}

{#4~ Christians: Christian texts have references to all true believers in Christ as being the new Chosen People of God, and those of Hebrew ethnicity no longer being the Chosen People (unless they embrace Jesus Christ). For example, Romans 2:28-29: “For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not of the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.” But Christ’s followers are rarely called Jews today, to avoid confusion…………..

Those who equate Christianity with today’s Jews use a faulty line of reasoning called the Genetic or Origins fallacy by basing someone (Jesus) and something (Christianity) on their origin and source rather than their current meaning or context. They overlook differences found in the present situation, transferring negative esteem from the earlier context. So, this form of argumentation is faulty and wrongheaded. For example, astronomy came from astrology and chemistry came from alchemy, while we understand that such modern disciplines are extremely unlike their predecessors. And all men came from women, but we understand that men are not women or even part woman………….

And according to Christianity, demons were angels, basically the exact opposite. Also, original Christianity opposed the Jews, considering their spectacular fall from God’s grace. Jesus said to the Jewish religious leaders: “Ye are of your father the Devil” (John 8:44). And Jews attempt to discredit Christianity. So, completely reject the insane claim that Christians are akin to Jews, especially the extremely insane claim that Jews created Christianity to weaken Gentile Whites. Such lunatics should be rebuked and completely dismissed. And again, if you are not an ethnic Jew, do nothing to support their cause. Rather, expose their agenda.}

Fellow Liberals: We Must Win!

Wassup bruh. I’m compelled to wear a bag on my head since I resemble one of the oppressors. But I have a dream: that ALL traditional ideas and their ugliness would be wiped off the face of the earth. I shall specify our needed plan, point by point:

Flags: Though most people understand the horror of displaying a Nazi or Confederate flag, that’s not good enough. We must certainly dispose of oppressive American, British, and German flags. In fact, any flag whose territory is ruled by Whitey. Anyone caught with such flags should be imprisoned and the flag destroyed. Even the LGBTQQ flag is not progressive enough. We should only display such flags that have brown and black stripes added to them, to represent dear people of color, and a Jewish star of David added in the middle. In fact, our acronym should at least be expanded to LGBTQQPZ for our minor attracted and animal loving comrades.

Gender: Though women’s lib was progress, that’s not good enough. Every child shall be taught the truth that there are presently 105 known genders, which are all equal, except the inferior male gender. And every male shall be required to transition to female for one year to learn empathy. No male should be allowed to own private property or vote. All misdemeanor crimes against males shall be overlooked, and all misdemeanors perpetrated by males against non-males shall be prosecuted as felony hate crimes.

Holidays: It’s good that Christmas and Easter have been secularized and turned into ways to make money. But that’s not good enough. All holidays that hint at Christianity, and those that honor crackers such as Colombus, Lincoln, or Washington, should be banned. We can instead learn to turn holidays such as Hannukah, Kwanza, and the month of Ramadan into cash cows. And all Africans, Jews, and neo-pagans should be allowed an additional two weeks off with pay to celebrate their respective holidays.

Israel and Nazis: Though it’s good that Hitler and the Nazis have been mentioned endlessly every single day by the media for the last 75 years, and are known as the worst evil, that’s not good enough. Everyone must know that Hitler and the Nazis are the source of ALL evil, not some Devil and demons, and that the Jews are the source of all good, not some god. In fact, Hitler and his men are still alive on a giant underground military moon base. They will launch an attack and destroy Earth if we don’t give all our available funds to Israel so they can combat this menace and make society a Utopia.

Politics: Though we’ve progressed with getting women the vote and some females, non-whites, and gays holding office, it’s not good enough. No straight person, male, Gentile White, or Christian should ever be elected to office. They are, however, welcome to be office janitors for minimum wage. And nobody over thirty years old should hold office, and persons should be eligible for office at age six. Young people always know best. And the only political party that should be permitted is the Affirmative Libertarian Ultra-Progressive Party. They shall tax White non-males 40%, and White males 75%. Non-white non-males shall be free from paying taxes.

Race: Though we’ve progressed by learning that no so-called race is biologically inferior in any way to another, it’s not good enough. Everyone must learn that there’s only one race: the human race, and it’s just different skin colors. Except for Gentile Whites. Those crackers are inferior. So, all Gentile Whites should be required to dye their skin purple for one year to learn empathy. It is only fair, since non-white cultures have proven superior, such as the great city of Detroit, great country of Haiti, and the progressive African continent.

Religion: Though America becoming secularized and non-religious was progress, it’s not good enough. All Christian assemblies and assemblies of Eastern religions and their public practice or expression shall be made illegal, and all their holy books destroyed. The only religion that should have their property tax exempt is the Church of Satan. Every town should have a meetinghouse for Atheists, built and paid for by government workers and funding. It’s a documented fact that no god exists, and that our entire universe came from nothing.

Sexuality: It’s good that wives deny their husbands sex and women can marry women instead. But that’s not good enough. To squash the backwardness of being straight, every adult should engage in a gay act before two witnesses, and have it preserved on video. Also, every White woman should have intercourse with a Black man before two witnesses, and have it preserved on video. Outside of that exception, men should never be permitted to ever touch a woman, unless kissing her shoe.

The Family: It’s good that people don’t marry till much later, divorce rates are high, men are often denied parental rights, there are many single mother households, and many are deprived of ever marrying. But that’s not good enough. Children should be produced only through artificial insemination, and only Black sperm should be used. All sperm banks should destroy their White sperm samples. All households should be headed by two women, to avoid male oppression. If a household has only one woman, she shall be given a free extra paycheck worth of funds, and a government funded White male servant who has been castrated.

Wisdom: It’s good that older people are seen as backwards and ignorant, but not good enough. Everyone should learn the documented fact that children know best. So, children should be the boss over adults in public, in homes, and in schools. But children must be exempt from school if they so choose. Also, everyone over 60 should be completely ignored and every idea of theirs considered poisonous rubbish. They should have no legal rights whatsoever.

In fact, all historical records should be destroyed, since we must never learn from history. Instead, we must only learn from trial and error. No idea should be considered crazy or off limits and everything must be equally considered. That’s excluding traditional or conservative ideas. Since our liberal agendas continue to make consistent progress, and conservatives are cowardly and don’t have the guts to stop us, let’s dramatically speed up the process and enforce all of our ultimate goals NOW. The documented sources that prove that everything I’ve written is good and true appear below this post.

An Atheist on Race

The so-called “Amazing Atheist” is known by his friends as TJ, so that’s what I’ll call him here. Now TJ is NOT a racist. He felt the need to defend himself against charges of racism simply because he spoke truth about race. He felt compelled to make videos called Answers for Black People, since Blacks made accusatory questions towards Whites. Examples of such questions are: “Why is it okay to be a former slave owner?”; “Do you honestly think the structure of America is not based on racism?”; “Why do you object when Black people play White fictional characters?”; “Why do you think having Black friends makes you not racist?”; “How come you can’t pronounce complicated Black names that you never heard of?”; and some questions that are completely nonsensical.

He also made a video opposing a crazy schoolteacher that said all White people are racist. TJ also felt compelled to make a video opposing cultural appropriation, where people regard it as a criminal offense for White people to have or do anything that a non-white person has or does. And there are his videos opposing SJWs (“social justice warriors”). However, it may be a waste of time to debate extremists, including feminist extremists like Anita Sarkeesian, whose life mission seems to be attacking video games, and who seems to have an obsession with butts. She might be a troll, a scam artist, or a sociopath. If I was in power, I would give all race baiters and other extremists an ultimatum: change your ways or get deported from the country permanently. Or be imprisoned for treason.

If there are thorns in society, these thorns need be removed. Though I’m Christian, I’m unhappy with the amount of hypocrisy, liberalism, and ignorance within some Christian communities. However, ultra-liberal troublemakers dominate Atheist communities. So TJ, drop the Atheism, and find a better position. TJ rightfully defends White people for some fear and anger toward Blacks by pointing out that Blacks have much higher crime rates, percentagewise, than Whites. But he then defended these higher crime rates by noting that Blacks have more poverty. I reacted to his poverty causes crime argument by stating that Black poverty rates are only twice that of White rates, while Black crime rates are over ten times (1,000%) higher than of White rates.

TJ and his friends responded, saying it’s ridiculous to ignore the fact that poverty creates crime. But I never said that there is NO correlation between poverty and crime. The problem is the EXTREME discrepancy between poverty rates and crime rates. The men responded by suggesting that higher levels of poverty do indeed produce that much more crime. I can only conclude that they mean that when neighborhoods pass the threshold of dire poverty, this induces the masses to react in a criminal fashion due to despair and lack of morale. But HERE’s the PROBLEM: Whites in the United States suffered through the Great Depression, which caused EXTREME poverty for the vast majority of Whites. Yet it did NOT cause an explosion in crime, just an elevation in crime.

Do you really think that because my grandparents suffered through the Great Depression they adopted the thug life? Actually, White poverty only causes an elevation in crime, while Black poverty always causes a crime EXPLOSION. TJ also said that statistics show that Blacks are persecuted by the police, and the courts are unfair to them. But no such statistics exist. They only exist in the minds of Blacks and White liberals. Then he said that Whites commit just as much crime but simply get away with it most of the time. Of course he provides zero evidence. Neither TJ nor I could ever be White supremacists. That’s because we both agree that most White people are terribly ignorant, boring, cowardly, and selfish.

Since most Whites have treated me like garbage all my life, and I know that I myself am not garbage, perhaps the White race is garbage? White cultures may have been supreme long ago, but now sometimes the only thing they are supreme over is a pile of worms. I’m ashamed over what White people have become. But regardless, I can tolerate living among an antisocial bunch of cucks but could not tolerate living among barbarians and violent criminals such as in the city of Detroit. Both TJ and I want peace, but disagree on how to achieve it. TJ advocated the idea of teaching people to be so-called colorblind or to ignore race altogether. But here’s the thing: When races mixed, especially Blacks and Whites, it always caused a big increase in crime, including murder and rape.

So who wants to be the guinea pig for this typical liberal plan? If it doesn’t work, guess what happens? And the results are always worse than what is reported, since murder victims never report their victimization to the police. However, if we completely separate the races, common sense says that it would be impossible for anyone to victimize or mistreat anyone based on race. Racial separatism, or segregation if you will, was already tried in American prisons, with success. On the other hand, John Lennon’s idea of obliteration of personal differences, and his singing Give Peace a Chance, were failures. The following quotes will surprise you: American President Abraham Lincoln said “I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the Black and White races.”

Chiseled on granite on the Jefferson Memorial in the U.S. Capitol are President Thomas Jefferson’s words “Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate that these people [Black people] are destined to be free.” However, his comment was taken out of context. His following sentence was “Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government.” Again quoting Abraham Lincoln concerning the promotion of race mixing: “How long in the government of a God great enough to make and maintain this Universe, shall there continue knaves to vend and fools to gulp, so low a piece of demagoguism as this?” I’m a loving person, as I want people to get along, and would love to be able to get along with other people. But I’m also a realist: people prefer those who are most like themselves.

So, misfits must make the best of a bad situation. Right now, since our races are integrated and so conflicts arise, Blacks and White liberals cry that the White majority severely persecutes Blacks on a massive scale. But if that was true, they could leave our country and thereby escape their imaginary persecution. Yet after my addressing the race issue, TJ became even worse: he now wants to do away with every imaginable border on Earth, since we are all humans and to him all humans are the same. Instead, to stop the hate we must separate. Atheism entraps otherwise intelligent people into spouting foolishness, and crushes their freethinking ability, since they are coerced into maintaining the status quo of modern Atheism.

*****My post organized according to subject=


Animal Welfare Worldwide

What is obvious after even a cursory amount of research is that animal rights and the treatment of animals varies considerably worldwide. I want to know why so we can better know what to do. But I want to start with identifying the different regions so we can know how. Consider typing Wikipedia-Animal rights by country or territory. A chart will appear featuring most countries. Categories include “recognition of animal sentience, recognition of animal suffering, anti-cruelty laws meet OIE standards, and any laws against animal cruelty.” Nine eastern European countries got four yeses, plus Brazil. Five African countries, four Asian countries, two Middle Eastern countries, and Belarus got four noes. Another six African countries got three noes, but yes to laws against animal cruelty.

But since it says that they are unenforced, making them pretty useless, these countries are almost as bad as those with four noes. Now since I’m a lifetime United States citizen, I want to use my country as a standard reference point. Now according to this article, all African and Asian countries range from horrible to substandard. And all former Soviet bloc countries plus Canada and Mexico are substandard compared to the U. S. Now some specifically coerce animals into terrorizing fights to the death. But as for bullfighting in the U. S. and Canada, it is unlike traditional bullfighting, in that bulls are neither harmed nor killed. Some shows simply feature a cowboy leaping around the bull. Others feature the throwing of plastic banderillas, to stick to a Velcro strap upon the bull.

Bullfighting where bulls are taunted, stabbed and mutilated with sharp metal banderillas, and slaughtered for entertainment is found in Mexico, four South American countries, and Spain. In France and India, some designated local traditions are exempted from the bullfighting ban. While cockfighting is illegal throughout the United States, Canada, and Australia, it is legal in Mexico, Cuba, parts of Central and South America, Madagascar, Pakistan, Vietnam, and the Philippines. In Spain, France, India, and Indonesia, some designated local traditions are exempted from the cockfighting ban. While dogfighting is illegal throughout North America, most of Eastern Europe, India, and Australia, it is legal in some African countries, China, Afghanistan, and throughout the former Soviet Union.

And we simply lack data on bullfighting, cockfighting, and dogfighting for much of the world. Then there is the Global Animal Law Association (globalanimallaw.org). In their Legislation Database, under National Level Animal Legislation, they have divided cases in numbers 1 through 8. Case 1 is countries where no animal legislation was found. Case 8 is countries with a basic national law, national civil code provision giving a new status to animals, and national constitutional principle. The higher the number, the better for animals. Countries ranked Case 1, the worst, include most of Africa, the Middle East, China, and Mongolia. Countries ranked a meager Case 2 include the rest of Africa, Greenland, Mexico, Australia, the entire former Soviet Union, and much of Eastern Europe.

The United States, Brazil, and Argentina rank Case 6, while Egypt, India, and Bhutan rank Case 7. Only three countries rank Case 8, the best: Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. The perspective of other similar websites should also be considered. Unfortunately, most countries, including some that respect animals in other areas, conduct animal testing and experimentation of various types, including the testing of unnecessary cosmetics products. Some countries are in flux as far as reconsidering bans on animal testing. As for the United States, the legality of both animal testing and the aforementioned animal welfare criteria varies from state to state. Worldatlas.com claims that the European Union has eliminated this type of animal cruelty. See my post Animal Experiments.

Now what about the impact of religion on animal rights? Many people see the religions of Buddhism, Jainism, and Shintoism as best supporting animal rights and welfare. The religious texts, rhetoric, and some conduct of such practitioners seems to uphold that. The big problem is that every region where those religions are prevalent are known for substandard treatment of animals. Regions where Christianity is prevalent are apparently no better in this respect than regions where non-religion or Atheism are prevalent.

And non-religious areas show no improvement over Christian ones. Islamic regions do seem especially bad (consider their disparaging belief in regard to dogs), although this might be due to other factors. Summarily, I see little impact of religion or lack thereof on regional policies. However, everyone who believes in a Creator God should by common sense greatly care for animals since a God would necessarily have created animals just as he created humans. However, animal rights and welfare strongly coincide with a racial pattern: White regions are generally much better than non-white regions.

And animal rights and welfare strongly coincide with a prosperity pattern: wealthy regions are generally much better than poorer regions. I must note that White regions are usually the wealthy regions and non-white regions are usually the poorer regions. What should certainly be without dispute is the impact of culture on animal rights and welfare. For example, the well-known type of brutal bullfighting originated in Spain (In China bulls fight one another instead). The Spanish colonization of Mexico and parts of South America introduced this type of bullfighting into those regions, called Spanish style bullfighting, where it spread like a virus.

What people from animal friendly countries can do: + Officials can deny citizenship to those from animal unfriendly countries, can prevent them any access into the country, and can send barbarian-type people already there permanently back to where they came. + Officials can enact bans on imports from these countries. + Officials can end all financial and other aid to these countries. + Officials can explain to the officials of substandard countries why they are treated such, so they are coerced into changing. + Citizens can petition and vote to remove animal unfriendly officials from office and instate animal friendly officials in their place.

+ Citizens can stop from ever visiting an animal unfriendly country so as not to support them with tourist money. + Citizens can find where their products come from, then stop buying products coming from animal abusing countries. + Citizens can either stop buying foreign products or only buy products originating from animal friendly regions. What animal friendly people throughout the world can do: + Recognize sentience in all higher animals. Sentience is the capacity to experience emotions and possess self-awareness. Imagine if some space aliens observed us, and concluded that we lacked sentience?

+ Recognize that there is a correlation between kindness toward animals and kindness toward people. “A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.”———Proverbs 12:10. + Find out which products are tested on animals and no longer buy them. + Leave your body to science to replace an animal being used for dissection. + Donate to animal rights and environmentalist groups. + Educate others about animal welfare and care for our planet.

Positive Christianity in the Third Reich

First, it’s completely unfair to demonize Adolf Hitler and his followers as mass murderers, since we label the mega-millions killed by Americans, British, Chinese, and others as mere war casualties. Not only that, this post contains the words of Professor D. Cajus Fabricus from his 1937 book Positive Christianity in the Third Reich. Quoting Professor Fabricus: “There is much misconception with respect to Christianity in the Third Reich, opinion being rife that an anti-Christian attitude or paganism is predominant in Germany.

These considerations led me to issue my book. I have endeavored as a theologian to give a clear and scientific exposition of Christianity in its relations to National Socialism. The point of view is shred by millions of German people who are real Christians and at the same time unswervingly loyal to their Fuhrer Adolf Hitler. As an expert I adhere strictly to the facts.” Now here is how “Positive Christianity” differs from typical modern Christianity:

Point 1: Integration of Church & State: Quoting Professor Fabricus: “The Liberal Era had a favorite scheme: ‘Separation of Church & State’; the view that a distinct line must be drawn between Religion and secular culture. This letting loose of individual interests resulted in splitting up culture in its various domains. Separation of Church & State is totally opposed to National Socialism: man’s desire to leave behind the gulfs and schisms in cultural spheres, mutual distrust and hostility, and to form instead an organic, living coordinated culture with one spirit common to all. A policy of aloofness and alienation between Church and State would be disastrous. It would open up a fatal chasm between Church-folk and the worldly-minded.”

{Point 2: Liberalism Rejected: Quoting Professor Fabricus: “Least of all would it be compatible with National Socialism were religious Liberalism to find a place in Germany, that is, the springing up of several hundreds of thousands of religious societies all at liberty to represent strange and questionable doctrines. Therefore, National Socialism is absolutely opposed to the principle ‘pronouncing religion to be a private affair’, laid down by the Social Democrats. In National Socialistic Germany, Religion is not a private matter at all; it concerns the whole Volk. The National Socialistic Movement refuses liberty to all religious denominations which militate against the morality of the Germanic race.”

Professor Fabricus also wrote: “Positive Christianity means the religion that has grown and become one with the spirit of the German nation throughout the centuries. ‘Positive’ means ‘the real thing’; what is historical reality. Nothing else except the historical and real Christian Religion is meant.” He also wrote: “In National Socialistic Germany the Churches have not been turned into a place of secular amusement.” Also consider the German slogan: Kammer, Kinder, Kuche, Keller, Kleider, meaning chamber, children, kitchen, cellar, clothes: the duties of women. Adolf Hitler argued that for the German woman, her world is her husband, family, children, and home. See Kinder, Kuche, Kirche, on Wikipedia.}

{Point 3: Religious Liberty: While so-called conservative groups usually reject other mainstream groups as heretical, Positive Christianity sees disputing over petty differences such as how we pray, view Communion, whether we are a-millenial or pre-millenial, etc. as harmfully divisive. Quoting Professor Fabricus: “We demand liberty for all religious denominations in the State, so far as they are not a danger to it and do not militate against the morality and moral sense of the German race. No one is forced to adopt any form of Religion. No one is compelled by the State to join any one of the Churches, or to withdraw from it.

Adolf Hitler declared that by Positive Christianity, he meant the Christianity of the two great Churches: the Evangelical and Roman Catholic, both of which are represented in Germany. This does not mean however, that National Socialism itself is actually a religious Movement. National Socialism is nothing else but the vigorous drawing together of a People menaced by danger and destruction into one great bond of inner unity. Quoting King Frederick the Great: ‘Here, each must be saved after his own fashion’——but these words referred only to peaceful intercourse between Christians and must not be understood to mean unbridled Liberalism.'”}

Point 4: Anti-Jewish: The historic Church was also anti-Jewish. Quoting Professor Fabricus: “The Christian faith has nothing to do with Judaism. Our attacks are directed against present-day Judaism, the ally of the powers of destruction, which through the agency of banks, bourses, and press seeks to rule the world. We oppose the Jews. The party combats the Jewish-materialist spirit within and without us. The Fuhrer emphatically rejected the godlessness of Bolshevism.” In addition, Positive Christianity tends to reject the authority of the Old Testament, since it is in reality the Jewish Bible.

{Point 5: Race, Blood, and Soil: Most of today’s Christians recognize two circles of humanity: the immediate family and universal church. Most secularists recognize two circles of humanity: or immediate families and all of humanity. Yet Positive Christianity recognizes three circles: immediate families, the nation and/or race, then all humanity. Quoting Professor Fabricus: “Everything in Nature, every individual, every nation has its place and meaning in characteristics peculiar to its being, which precludes obliteration or denial of distinguishing features. But within this world our German Volk is part of the Aryan race, and we live in German soil. We love this Volk with all we are capable of. The [typical] Christian standpoint is international, that of National Socialism national.

Assuredly there is an internationalism and nationalism sharply opposed to each other. [Yet] If the Christian view were strictly international, it would perforce deny and forbid the family as being a barrier to universal human contacts. In the days of the early Christians the national circumstances of the age were not overlooked or rejected, but were recognized as permanent. Moreover, brotherly love does in no way abolish any of these social circles, but expands within all spheres of human life. What is love for one’s neighbor is community spirit. National Socialism wishes to consolidate the nation in all its parts into one.” So Positive Christians know that multiculturalism causes dissociation, and trying to love everyone equally as if we are God is impossible, as is trying to juggle twenty balls at once. We must prioritize.}

{Point 6: Effectiveness is Paramount: In areas with high concentrations of churchgoers, their area usually has higher crime rates, poverty rates, divorce rates, and other social ills, than areas with lower percentages of churchgoers. Yet quoting Professor Fabricus: “Adolf Hitler called upon these Christian Churches to do everything in their power to make the moral forces of the Gospel Message effectual influences in the life of the German nation. For example, to relieve the want and suffering of all the poor and needy, a gigantic program of methods for creating employment was drawn up, and already millions have been rescued from the misery of unemployment.”}

Now here’s how “Positive Christianity” differs from original Christianity:

{Point 7: Aggressive Approach: This relates to the last point about being effective. Now the Church of the first three centuries was pacifist. This was good when there was no major threat. But it became expedient for emperor Constantine, though of questionable character, to use massive military intervention, and also mediate disputes among believers, in order to preserve the Christian community. Quoting Professor Fabricus: “While traditional Christianity emphasized passive aspects of Christ’s life, Positive Christians saw Christ as an organizer and fighter. Generally we find Christian love working very quietly with tenderness and use of spiritual means.

National Socialism on the other hand, has been most vigorous in order to reconstruct the unity of the nation. Where necessary it used its fists against Communism in the streets. After the party came into power, strict laws forbade the continuance of political parties that formerly caused disruption and hatred of the People. This however, is only an apparent contrast to the usual Christian method. Even Christian love must where necessary employ vigorous methods when it comes into contact with dissolute elements and criminals, and must use severe discipline as soon as gentler methods fail.”}

Point 8: Science: “Positive Christianity” differs from both ancient and modern Christianity by embracing science. While the early Church was innocent of rejecting science since they lived in an age before science, most modern Christians are guilty of being unscientific. By embracing science we are no longer dependent on the notion of a God-authored book with its various controversial passages. And we can incorporate useful disciplines, such as genetic engineering, to better humanity. The entire text of Positive Christianity in the Third Reich by Professor Fabricus can be found on the Internet. “Positive Christianity” continues to be espoused by some Christian groups. And since each ethnicity can from their own Positive Christian group, EMBRACE THESE PRINCIPLES.

The American Nazi Party

The first official American branch of the Nazi Party was Friends of New Germany, formed in 1933, dissolved in 1936. The second was the German American Bund, formed in 1936, dissolved in 1941. The first to use the term Nazi was George Lincoln Rockwell, who founded his group in 1959, changing its name to the American Nazi Party in 1960. The flag on my wall, which you can see on video, is that of the German Christians, which I discuss in another post/video. It is not from the American Nazi Party, hereafter called ANP.

However, I live in the 21st century United States, and the ANP presents the best party platform I have encountered in my country. Before you demonize the party based on media lies, hear the truth about what they claim to be. See https://www.americannaziparty.com and read for yourself. But for convenience I have gathered the most important main points, which I outline here:

Who We Are: “We are a political-educational association dedicated to the 14 words: ‘We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.’ “

What We Stand For: 1) The union of all Aryans (high quality Gentile Whites) in North America.

2) Only those of Aryan blood will be allowed to become citizens. Citizenship should be a privilege, not a right.

3) The community must be organized. The State must fight to eliminate every recognizable social evil and ensure social justice for every member.

4) All forms of antisocial or anticommunity activities or vice, such as dope dealing, must be ruthlessly oppressed. [Fascist enforcement]

5) We recognize the supreme importance of a healthy farming community, and demand the encouragement and protection of the family farm.

6) We demand the strengthening of the family unit, an indispensable cornerstone of society. Motherhood must be elevated. Gender roles should be fixed, with the man as household head.

7) We demand the creation of a new education system, which will strongly emphasize physical, mental, and moral development and health.

8) We demand an honest, self-sufficient, debt free economy, which will guarantee full employment. Freeloading and usury (lending money at high interest rates) would not be allowed.

9) We aim to be totally self-sufficient with energy, and that the energy we employ be non-polluting. So we demand a phasing out of coal, petroleum, and other pollutants, and the development of solar, wind, water, and other natural energy sources. We believe in honoring Nature.

10) The State must encourage and promote every form of wholesome cultural expression. We demand the elimination of all foreign and degenerate forms of cultural expression, such as obscene so-called artwork and gangster rap.

11) We demand the withdrawal of troops from all foreign lands, and have them instead be employed with protecting our borders.

12) We demand that the State aggressively strive for the betterment of our race via the scientific disciplines of eugenics and genetic engineering.

13) The State must take an active part in the spiritual life of the community. Our people must be turned away from materialism, cynicism, and egoism, and have a rebirth of spiritual values. This spirituality must conform to the laws of Nature.

Some Frequently Asked Questions: 1) “Are you White supremacists?” A: No, we are not supremacists, we are separatists. For example, Hitler’s greatest ally in the war was Japan.

2) “Why hatred for the Jews?” A: We don’t hate them. We just hate Jewish control of our people, which we seek to eliminate. 3) “What about firearms?” A: We support the right to bear arms.

4) “What about free speech?” A: We believe in free speech, but it has its limits. For example, speech and expression that would harm the State would be disallowed, such as Communist propaganda.

5) “What about gangs like the Aryan Brotherhood?” A: We oppose criminal activity. 6) “Is racial purging a goal?” A: No, we encourage other races and ethnicities to form their own Nationalistic groups.

7) “What is your stance on homosexuals and homosexuality?” A: I don’t know, and I don’t care about anyone’s sexual proclivities. We simply would not accept anyone who flaunted or promoted their particular persuasions, to interfere with or annoy us. Don’t ask, don’t tell.

8) “What of the holocaust hoax?” A: Instead of attempting to de-brainwash people who have had decades of crap poured into their heads, I simply state that World War 2 events happened before I was born and have nothing to do with me. [But for me personally, I think it worth trying to expose the truth about those events.]

9) “Why don’t you discard the hated Nazi designation and swastika? Wouldn’t you be more successful if you did?” A: Many other groups already tried that, with no success. We believe that by openly proclaiming who we are, that is, National Socialists as was Mr. Hitler, that we will attract the presently small but dedicated percentage of the White population who are angry and ready to act!

They also have various slogans, which they are happy to explain. Now here are some sentiments of my own: First, I understand that the founder of the ANP was agnostic, and so are quite a few current members. However, the lives and policies of leading Democrats and Republicans have failed to reflect their claims of being Christian. At least the leading members of the ANP are honest. I messaged an administrator, who assured me that Christianity and the ANP are compatible.

As for the failure of the ANP to ever elect a candidate, it’s not an all or nothing proposition. We can still influence other candidates or potential candidates or leaders who can then reflect our goals somewhat. For instance, Donald Trump’s ex-wife claimed that he kept a book of Adolf Hitler’s speeches on the nightstand. And some of his policies did indeed reflect ANP policies. Something is better than nothing. Secondly, if things get bad enough, we could eventually end up with a large enough number of people who are disgruntled with the system, and therefore turn to the ANP and put them into power. If you have some better ideas, present them in the comments section. But if not, be quiet and consider the ideas I just presented.