Tag Archives: Thelma & Louise

Carla & Lina

Ever heard of the movie Thelma & Louise starring actresses Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis? In this gynocentric feminist road movie, the title characters conclude that the world is unacceptably oppressive toward women, so they rebel against it. In real life there is “Carla & Lina”, also two American women. But unlike Thelma and Louise, who used beauty, sex appeal, and tomboyishness to get male viewers to swallow their feminism, Carla and Lina (last names withheld) use religion and an intellectual persona. I have known them both personally and must vent my frustration over some of their offensive qualities. You may think, why focus on these women instead of women who were ornery serial killers or whatnot?

The reason is, everybody already knows the nature of such women, so I would not be teaching anything new. Secondly, such women are/were locked away forever, thus having no power or influence. And consider that no rational person would glug down a jug of poison but would certainly consume appealing food with some of that poison contained within. Then there’s Oprah Winfrey, with great power and influence, who also claims to be Christian. However, unlike Carla and Lina who claim the exclusiveness of Christianity, Oprah treats her Christian belief like a favorite ice cream flavor. According to her, even if Atheism works better for you, that’s good too. Her hypocrisy has been publicly addressed many times, which expose’ bounces off recalcitrants like rubber balls off brick walls.

Another reason why I juxtapose Carla and Lina is that one is married and Catholic, the other, single and Protestant. I’m showing that neither one’s marital status nor particular denomination is any focus here. In fact, I loved the Catholic Church. It pained me that I felt the need to leave based on Pope Francis’s policies and other Modernist ideas I found unacceptable. I still feel that you can be both Catholic and Christian, so that’s irrelevant. Neither is Lina’s virginity past age fifty any of my concern; another red herring I avoid. However, as a history student it shocks me that secular society’s common definition of being a “successful woman” is to compete with men in the workplace, instead of a woman’s success being defined as an excellent wife and mother.

But both Carla, President of a tax service, and Lina, a doctor and boss of an ER, use advanced education as a catalyst to not only compete with but trump other men in the workplace and in society. While traditionally and biblically only men owned homes outside of widows and harlots, Lina went beyond today’s idea of joint ownership to own a home in her own name alone. That made her a perverted type of husband, as single women throughout Judeo-Christian history were to live with their parents. And Carla goes beyond joint ownership, taking the leadership over her husband career-wise and dominating verbally. They turn traditional Judeo-Christian understanding upside down.

That is, from the legendary Adam and Eve archetype, through the Apostles Peter and Paul’s proclamation of necessary patriarchal authority and headship, and past the unanimous mandate of early Church leaders who clearly spelled out male authority, without even a whiff of First Wave feminism, let alone today’s feminism. Also consider that Carla exclaimed “Women had no rights before 1920.” This is extremely insulting to women in Third World countries who had no right to be free from violence, starvation, homelessness, or degrading conditions and who were dismissed. Also, totally unlike women throughout United States history, who were cherished by chivalrous men. And even after obtaining independence, financial wealth, and wide admiration, Lina still declared that she sometimes felt pressed down by glass ceilings.

Carla never self-identified as a feminist in my presence, while Lina denies being a feminist. Yet they are both clearly radical feminists by historical standards. What about honesty? Or is that another pillar of Christianity to be ignored? Lina denying being a feminist is like a three-sided shape denying being a triangle. What actually does press down American women is their bad attitude of being spoiled brats. Also, I must proclaim that no group of people with any special authority, clout, or position has any lower percentage of harmful people. Not one scintilla. Yet apparently, many think that special classes rarely have odious members among them. Some may think that certain groups are immune from oppugnancy.

But denying it changes nothing. Specifically, obtaining a PhD, MD, doctorate, law degree, or religious title cannot bestow altruism, empathy, honesty, or wisdom on someone who did not have it to begin with. Certainly not a Bachelor of Science in psychology. As I explain in my thesis on psychiatry and psychology, these professions have no more validity than being a witchdoctor. Self-serving, bigoted, dishonest, or foolish people obtaining such aforementioned statuses is like putting perfume on a turd. The universal bigotry favoring parents against non-parents is even worse, since there are zero qualifications needed to reproduce besides preexisting biology.

It should be apparent that God did not design women to be leaders. In such positions they have regularly demonstrated a sore lack of judgment, often replacing logical and calculating thought with flighty emotions. Many women, even if reaching a hundred years old, never mature. And I have written a thesis which explains how harmful feminism is. Now here are examples of Carla and Lina’s outrageous misthinking:

{Carla: Since Carla was a former psychologist, I mentioned to her a psych clinic which I discovered was corrupt, and that I wanted to report it. So, she referred me to a phone number to complain, which I discovered was part of a scam Indian call center. I was disillusioned with the Catholic Church, so I wanted to disburden that and receive sympathy. But instead, Carla insinuated that I was attempting to persuade her to leave the Catholic Church, which was nonsensical since I was still part of it……………………

Carla castigated me for having a bad temper and excessive anger. Yet I was only briefly reacquainted with her after many years. Thus, she had no chance to gauge my disposition. Apparently, she listened to gossip from a mutual acquaintance whom we both knew for decades. Not only is it wrong to give credence to gossip, here the gossip was a lie. Though I can become irate if people purposefully anger me, they create a self-fulfilling prophecy. A beaten dog will eventually bite. And ironically, I had to cut off contact with the gossiper over her angry outbursts……………………..

Carla also made other negative assumptions. Now I wanted to unburden the problems with my father and mentioned my dislike of him, expecting sympathy. Instead, Carla castigated me for disliking my father. It saddens me that I find it impossible to have a relationship with my father, since he lies relentlessly and would regularly try to reduce me to an ignorant child. And Carla, a claimed believer, was siding with an unbeliever against another believer. Again, the parent bias. In fact, after revealing any legitimate sin or fault to Carla, expecting compassion or advice, she would just throw it back in my face.}}}

{Lina: Yes, there are two camps today as far as women pastors: egalitarians (pro) and traditionalists (con). But that should not be, as Scripture is unambivalent: Christian religious leaders of men must be men. Yet Lina has created her own ministry and heads it, exceeding that of being a local pastor. In fact, Scripture further states that women should be silent in church (1st Cor.14:34-35, 1st Tim.2:11-12). Lina is also egalitarian on race. But instead of respecting the traditionalist view of race, she excoriates it by painting every White Nationalist as an evil hater and ignorant, although there are devout Christians among them………………

It is absurd (and racist) that Lina stated, “I’m a little ashamed to be White”, since she is not considered White by any “race realist”, as she is Middle Eastern. Lina fawns over Michael “Martin Luther” King, a proven adulterer, plagiarist, and member of an anti-Christian Communist party. We are to rebuke openly sinful believers, not glorify them. In fact, I have authored a thesis which exposes the fallacy and danger of the egalitarian race position. Lina grabs the attention of lonely people by stating that loneliness is a silent soul killer. Yet in one video on it she starts with some self-promotion, then just throws in a few sophomoric religious cliche’s………………

She also made the deceptive statement “Not all singles are lonely, and marrieds can be lonely too.” That’s like saying that non-coal miners can get black lung disease too. Most single women can easily avoid loneliness, but not the average single man who also is handicapped. I’ll translate what Lina says about loneliness into simple English: “Are you lonely? Just suck it up.” Lina states “I’ve been told that my messages are completely grounded in God’s word.” But by whom? Popular opinion? To help know the original interpretations of Scripture instead of Modernist heresies, read A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs; David W. Bercot, Editor.}}}

I have not mentioned every problem with these women. I’m just trying to be brief. To put things succinctly, both women are initially friendly and reflect compassion. They may appeal to men and the handicapped such as those with autism, who might think that these women have psychological and spiritual help to offer. Having confidence in such people, and thus letting them in like a Trojan horse opens you up to getting hurt. They do a disservice to nonhandicapped females too, as feminism breeds victim mentality.

At the end of Thelma & Louise, the title characters choose to drive off a cliff to their deaths to escape a world which supposedly oppresses American women to an extreme degree. (Which is of course delusional fantasy). Now if Carla and Lina refuse to change, I would hope they would likewise plunge to their deaths. Or end up as roadkill. And don’t judge me as being too harsh, as The Bible itself has many brutal things to say about those who live in rebellion, any type of rebellion. So don’t cherry-pick the pleasant passages like Carlas, Linas, and most “Christians” do! The lesson here, as I’ve also stated elsewhere, is to never trust anybody, only God alone.

*****My posts organized according to subject=
