Tag Archives: the unloved

I’m Unloving?

Most of secular society says that being loving is very important, if not the most important thing. And the Christian religion says that love is the most important thing. Also, I’m of the Christian religion.

Yet many people have accused me of lacking love. Are they correct? Yes. I’m not filled with love and might be filled with resentment instead, peppered with anger.

Now consider the concept garbage in, garbage out. That is, a computer can never produce good or useful data if good or useful data is not put into it to begin with. If only bad, flawed, or nonsense data is put in, it will put out exactly that.

{Now how much love is put into me? Consider that I’m an only child, all my grandparents are dead, and I am single with no children. So, there’s no love coming from a sibling, grandparent, child, grandchild, wife, or girlfriend. My aunt, uncle, and cousins have chosen to be estranged from me to the point of having zero contact for decades. So, no love there. …………..

My parents are abusive and controlling, and their bad values contradict mine. So, I never see them in order to escape that harm. So, no love from there. I’m down to zero friends, so no love there. And ninety-nine percent of people choose to have an intense dislike of me for no good reason. How is that loving and not the opposite?}

So, no person is putting love into me so that I can be filled with it. True, humans are not computers, and can choose a better path via free will. But the tendency for people to reflect what they receive is almost universal. So, it should be expected. Yes, no matter how much the Lord Jesus Christ would be shunned and mistreated, He would still be filled with love.

Of course, I’m not Him. But yes, I should be a lot more loving than I am, despite my situation. So, to those people of faith who claim to be very loving, please pray for me. And show your love through actions, not just pretense.

*****My posts organized according to subject=
