Tag Archives: love

I’m Unloving?

Most of secular society says that being loving is very important, if not the most important thing. And the Christian religion says that love is the most important thing. Also, I’m of the Christian religion.

Yet many people have accused me of lacking love. Are they correct? Yes. I’m not filled with love and might be filled with resentment instead, peppered with anger.

Now consider the concept garbage in, garbage out. That is, a computer can never produce good or useful data if good or useful data is not put into it to begin with. If only bad, flawed, or nonsense data is put in, it will put out exactly that.

{Now how much love is put into me? Consider that I’m an only child, all my grandparents are dead, and I am single with no children. So, there’s no love coming from a sibling, grandparent, child, grandchild, wife, or girlfriend. My aunt, uncle, and cousins have chosen to be estranged from me to the point of having zero contact for decades. So, no love there. …………..

My parents are abusive and controlling, and their bad values contradict mine. So, I never see them in order to escape that harm. So, no love from there. I’m down to zero friends, so no love there. And ninety-nine percent of people choose to have an intense dislike of me for no good reason. How is that loving and not the opposite?}

So, no person is putting love into me so that I can be filled with it. True, humans are not computers, and can choose a better path via free will. But the tendency for people to reflect what they receive is almost universal. So, it should be expected. Yes, no matter how much the Lord Jesus Christ would be shunned and mistreated, He would still be filled with love.

Of course, I’m not Him. But yes, I should be a lot more loving than I am, despite my situation. So, to those people of faith who claim to be very loving, please pray for me. And show your love through actions, not just pretense.

*****My posts organized according to subject=


The Christian Message

Originally, GOD created the entire physical and spiritual universe. Creation was completely in harmony with His wishes. However, GOD gave higher life forms free will, since without choice they could never love Him. They would be mere flesh robots. And almighty GOD needs nothing but His creature’s love, proven by their obedience. Yet creatures chose to reject and disobey GOD, severing this relationship and creating permanent spiritual rift and tendencies toward misbehavior, which effects everyone. GOD lovingly sought to repair the broken relationships. To accomplish this, He sent His holy Spirit to unite with a devout woman, who gave birth to GOD’s Son, who was both GOD and man.

This GOD-man, Jesus of Nazareth, lived a perfect life, thus fulfilling GOD’s standard for humanity. He was killed for His message (deicide) thereby becoming the ultimate sacrifice. By arising from the dead He conquered death, the rightful sentence for all sinful creatures. He became the Christ: supreme anointed one, and the necessary Mediator between GOD the Father and His broken creatures. Christ will come again as Judge. To be saved from our rightful condemnation and eternal death, we must turn our lives over to Him as much as our ability allows. Philippians 3:8: “I count all thing but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.”

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Marrying my Soulmate

I plan on proposing to my soulmate, whom I have known for the longest time. But before I do, I have an introduction written out to explain why we are perfect for one another and why there is such a benefit for being intimately intertwined, before popping the question at the end. I am doing this here so I can get feedback from my audience, and so make additions or corrections if needed. Here goes:

My darling, I have something important to say, so please listen carefully: You have always been there for me, and you know I have always been there for you, for better or worse. I have always admired your great qualities: that of boldness, creativity, empathy, honesty, intelligence, kindness, logic, wisdom, sense of humor, spirituality, and wisdom. It is also wonderful that we share the same artistic sense, culinary tastes, hobbies, interests, and musical taste.

You are my best friend, my shoulder to lean on, the one and only person I can rely on. You are the love of my life, my one and only, my everything. My love for you is like a lemniscate that has no beginning and will never know an end. I need to make you happy for me to have any chance of being happy. You are a sunbeam through a windowpane, which I stand in, warmed. So, I want to continue to share life’s happiest moments with you.

I insist on helping you achieve your dreams as you help me achieve mine and supporting you as you support me. There is only one person on Earth whom I could ever consider my soulmate: that’s you! It is also marvelous that we perfectly agree on religion, politics, all other philosoph-ical issues, and best of all, how to live our life. So naturally, we never argue. Therefore, I vow to fiercely love you unconditionally and to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love.

Even after knowing you for over half a century, I still want you ever close, and want you to be mine forever. I cannot promise everything will be perfect, but promise we will make it work, no matter how hard it gets. So………………..Will you marry me? Of course, the answer is yes, since I’m proposing to myself. I would be a bleeding fool to commit to anyone else, since every human I have ever encountered has without exception failed me.

That is, either betraying me, mistreating me, shunning me, or vanishing from my life. That is completely unacceptable, and I’m far better than that. Can everyone on our planet be wrong about me? YES. If everyone on Earth was convinced that two and two make three, two and two will still make four. I would wish for evidence that I came from another world, since I obviously don’t belong here. Thankfully, no amount of puny stinking humans determines what is right, only God alone. Read Romans 3:4 & Romans 3:10-18.

Homosexuality Part 2

{Dishonest Left-Wing Tactics: A popular gay agenda: outing everyone, includes revealing prominent historical figures as supposedly gay, eliciting popularity and social acceptance. People like Robin Hood (according to the original legend) and military leader Alexander the Great having practiced homosexuality is amazing. However, they were not Christians. Neither were Giacomo Cassanova or Hugh Hefner, both having had numerous homosexual dalliances, though predominantly straight. And claiming others as gay, such as Leonardo DaVinci, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, and Oscar Wilde is unfair. These men considered their same-sex attraction an unwanted characteristic that distressed them. Besides, homosexual orientation does not equal gay. This three-letter word is loaded with political implications and other baggage.

A coffee cup featured numerous fancy doors and shuttered windows. After pouring a hot drink, the doors dematerialized, revealing the “closeted gay people” of history underneath. It didn’t matter whether they were openly gay, gay and closeted, were merely suspected of being gay, or were likely straight in real life; the propaganda was alluring. Another tactic is accusing everyone with anti-gay sentiment of being subconsciously gay, fearful, and self-hating, and condemning anyone who doesn’t completely agree with gay agendas as hateful.

Bisexuals are variously considered supporters of the gay community instead of members, “confused”; “They’re all hustlers”,” or even traitors (biphobia). Oftentimes, “LGBTQQ+” groups only pretend to care about those other categories of people and only support gays and lesbians. Notably, some gays and lesbians who were never intimate with the opposite sex have awarded themselves gold star status, and some gay men born via Caesarian section (and so never touched a vagina) have awarded themselves platinum star status. And bullying in secular schools has nothing to do with religion. Straights usually bully straights; gay students have bullied straight students.

The “ten percent gay” claim is a common tactic. This statistic originated from Alfred Kinsey’s survey involving only twelve thousand people, admittedly using selected samples, not random. Subsequent surveys throughout the world, involving over a million people, arrived at less than two percent. Besides, countries lacking a survey are usually anti-gay. Since homosexuals would logically flee such countries if possible and relocate elsewhere, this likely brought it down to below one percent worldwide. So, if the number of people who identify as LGBTQ inflates dramatically, we know that being born with such proclivities cannot be the main factor for those subsequent generations. Also consider that if alternative people have friends and family members joining them in a gay parade, these parades could then be two-thirds or so straight.

Atheists surreptitiously befriend homosexuals, insisting that all religion harms such people. Even if believers are loving and caring, various atheists continue to pound their bass drum of rhetoric. My best friend’s atheist friend, a political campaigner, encouraged him to celebrate his gayness. Since my friend expressed hopelessness, filling his emptiness with chain-smoking and alcohol abuse, I introduced him to Christianity. After his atheist friend found out, she provoked my friend to spew irrational diatribe towards Christianity. However, a mutual friend who also identified as gay inquired about the woman’s son’s sexuality. The woman immediately became furious, declaring “That’s a parent’s worst nightmare.” Therefore, her phoniness was exposed.

Besides, many women gravitate towards gay men in order to use them. These relationships usually failing to be reciprocal is well-documented. Some antireligious people associate with LGBTQ people to get them to support their cause, while others surround themselves with those whom they look down upon, to feel superior. It has been said (offensively) “A fag is a homosexual gentleman who has left the room.” Besides, we cannot dump everything on religion. Atheist governments have executed homosexuals because they supposedly weakened the State. Oddly, Jewish persons have done more to promote gay interests than any other group, while Jews are one of the most anti-groups of people. Internet videos document and explain this phenomenon.}

{Loving Committed Couples and Same-Sex Romance: The early Church decried debauchery, not same-sex attraction or romance. Homophobia, demonizing gayness, and denying basic rights is a modern deviation. Barring gays from teaching is also unfounded; ancient Greek teaching mentors were sexually diverse. We take many ideas from them including the term Rhodes Scholar. Love is so astronomically important and scarce, some search for it anywhere.

However, youths typically “come out” as teenagers, but don’t commit to stable loving relationships until their late forties. Lives are spent on spiderwebby trysts unable to produce love. Comparing thousands of men-seeking-men Internet advertisements against thousands of men-seeking-women and women-seeking-men advertisements is enlightening. Heterosexual advertisements are predominantly relationship oriented, while virtually all male homosexual advertisements are primarily sex oriented; nude pictures abound. Men see their partner’s privates before even knowing their name.

A common refrain amongst gays is that “Gay relationships are measured in dog years” (they usually last just a fraction the length of straight relationships). This may be from parents having taught their boys a heterosexual outlook: respect towards women and rivalry towards males, while failing to address sexuality per se, resulting in a dysfunctional dichotomy. And fully committed loving lifetime relationships amongst gay men are rare. Many “partnerships” are open relationships. Even with those who desire committed relationships, how many are merely motivated by financial and legal benefits?

The gay pride rainbow flag was designed in 1978 by Sister of Perpetual Indulgence Gilbert Baker (“Sister Chanel 2001”). Baker’s first flag had eight stripes but was reduced to six due to unavailability of fabrics. The Sister’s primary focus is kinky promiscuous sex, pagan spirituality, and anti-Catholic filibustering. Although these extremists do not represent the gay community at large, gays, both secular and religious, have gotten their impetus from the Sisters.

Late Fox Valley Gay Association president Orville “Lee” Schrank, his committed partner Guillermo “Bill” Franco, and a man named Vern virtually campaigned for the entire organization for a quarter century while others sat back. Lee bitterly said, “Eighty-five percent of them [gay men] are not worth the powder it takes to blow them away with”, and he had met thousands. After Lee’s passing, deaths from AIDS and uncaring non-participation caused FVGA’s dissolution, and Bill became reclusive.

Foremost mover and shaker within the gay community, Larry Kramer, preached on The Tragedy of Today’s Gays. To further illustrate his point, Larry’s satirical novel Faggots pornographically punctuated Fred Lemish’s entanglement in gay culture’s labyrinthine web, amidst futile pursuit of elusive lover Dinky Adams. Larry’s novel also featured a henpecked husband who was not even allowed to use his own toilet, which would have prevented his wife from keeping it so sparkling clean, you could eat out of it. In the 1980s, Bill Kraus, tireless congressional gay advocate, felt crushed by opponents who labeled him as a self-hating tyrant who dared infringe on near-anonymous sexual encounters, or “freedom.” Twenty years of subsequent decimation by AIDS forcibly changed their agenda.

Yet promiscuity and unprotected sex have reverted to pre-AIDS rates. Masking STD cases, such as acquiring catatonic schizophrenia through “unknown illness” instead of syphilis creates the dangerous delusion of safety. Although health workers inundate gay hangouts with condoms, most condoms merely decorate venues instead of being used. Besides, extreme practices exist among homosexuals which even most gays find offensive. Although only one to five percent practice such things, around zero percent of heterosexual couples practice them. Clearly, many lack the healthy boundaries and nurturing qualities that women provide.}

The Ten Commandments of Christopher Hitchens, Atheist

Late famous Atheist Christopher Hitchens had a major problem with the traditional Ten Commandments. I do too, since those commandments were only for one specific people group, who were barbaric. It was a code to keep them from being completely uncivilized. Therefore, an advanced civilization expecting to be purified from anything buy premium conduct must have a much better code of ethics. First, here is Christopher Hitchen’s proposal:

1) Do not condemn people on the basis of their ethnicity or color; 2) Do not even think about using people as private property; 3) Despise those who use violence or the threat of violence in a sexual relationship; 4) Hide your face and weep if you dare to harm a child; 5) Do not con-demn people for their inborn nature; 6) Be aware that you too are an animal and dependent on the web of nature. Try to think and act accordingly. 7) Do not imagine that you can escape judgment if you robe people with a false prospectus rather than a knife; 8) Turn off that f-ing cell phone. You have no idea how unimportant your call is to us; 9) Denounce all Jihadists and Crusaders for what they are: psychopathic criminals with ugly delusions; 10) Be willing to re-nounce any god or any religion if any Holy Commandment should contradict any of the above.

Now my critique: Mr. Hitchen’s 1st command is limited to ethnicity or color. This misleads one to think that people are most often condemned for their race, which is blatantly false. Besides, nobody should be condemned unfairly for whatever reason, such as ignorant people condemning me for things they know nothing about.

His 2nd command is good for condemning slavery, but there are cases where it is good that others are your private property, such as pets and children.

His 3rd command is good for condemning violence. But he limited that to sexual relationships. Instead, all unnecessary violence should be condemned.

His 4th command is good for condemning child abuse. However, people often consider spanking child abuse, when spankings are a necessary discipline.

His 5th command: not condemning any one for their inborn nature, is good. However, he wrongly believed that some people are born gay, and never mentioned the inborn nature of those with differences such as Asperger’s syndrome.

His 6th command is, again: “Be aware that you too are an animal and dependent on the web of nature. Try to think and act accordingly.” This is great. However, since we are unique among the animals due to superior intelligence, we must also have higher standards of conduct, which he fails to mention.

His 7th command: “Do not think you can escape judgment if you rob people with a false prospectus” is good. However, I’m sure there is a much better way to say it than using his awkward phrasing.

His 8th command of not offending people with your cell phone needs to be expanded to: Do not offend anyone with ANY unnecessary noise, including leaf blowers, jackhammers, blaring TVs and car radios, car horns past midnight, and shouting.

His 9th command of denouncing all criminal and deluded Jihadists and Crusaders is good. But he failed to mention Atheistic Communist terrorists, which must also be denounced.

I agree with his 10th command of renouncing any God or any religion if any “Holy Commandment” contradicts common sense morality. However, I oppose the spin that he put on it.

Now for MY Ten Commandments, which I guarantee that, if every society faithfully followed, would create Utopias. Here they are:

1) You shall not be lazy. That is because without maintaining hard work, everything naturally falls apart. And without hard work you lack the ability to cultivate the other commandments.

2) You shall not be prideful. That is because pride leads to selfishness, which ultimately leads to only helping yourself and hurting others.

3) You shall not love money. That is because loving money is behind not only stealing and coveting, it is behind every economic problem. And it always reduces people to a number.

4) Honor and cultivate your family unit and oppose anything that harms it. That is because all of humanity arises from and is formed by the family unit. It also encompasses Honor thy parents and Thou shalt not commit adultery. But it is better, since divorces are usually predicated upon reasons other than adultery.

5) Honor your own people. That is because it is highly inadequate to only consider your own immediate family. On the other hand, to cater to every ethnicity on Earth is too draining and is an impossible task.

6) Never purposely cause the suffering of any living thing. You must also try to prevent pointless suffering.

7) You shall preserve the natural environment and nurture it if able. That is because we are animals too in a way. And while we number in the billions, many species only number in the hundreds. We also rely on animal and plant life in order to live.

8) You shall seek all knowledge and wisdom. Then proclaim all truth and oppose all falsehood. That is because without knowing the difference between truth and lies, it is impossible to know what to do or not do. In addition, Christian believers consider Jesus as Truth personified. But if you don’t believe that, that’s your prerogative.

9) You shall weigh every word and action in light of their ultimate ramifications. All words and actions should be geared toward the long-term betterment of our world overall.

10) You shall cultivate love as much as possible. That is because without love, all the other principles would be shallow and eventually fall apart. Jesus Christ also said to love God with your entire being. But if you don’t believe in God, that’s your prerogative.

These principles would work for people of every religion, and those with no religion, even Atheists. And none of these principles originate from me. Rather, all credit goes to the Lord Jesus Christ. But as a member of Christ’s body, I have the right to present His teachings in a way I see fit.

Finding Love?

Now I have no personal contact with any woman. However, I have money. But whenever I have connected with a woman in various degrees, I became broke. There’s a saying: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting a different result.” So we may need to change behavior and thinking patterns regardless what society says. The Beatles sang “All You Need is Love”, referring to love by the opposite sex, while they drove a jewel-encrusted Rolls Royce. So they didn’t even believe their own shit.

Half of all marriages end in divorce, so love failed there. Other couples stay together but fight and argue for years. Others remain together just for the sake of the children, financial support, or other perceived need. So only 25% of people find love through marriage. But by hooking up with a prostitute, stripper, or suchlike, the chances of you finding love are ZERO percent. And if a young woman’s boyfriend insists on their being sexually active, yet refuses to honor her desire to marry, there’s no love there either.

The fact is, most people are simply not loving people. So trying to find love through a romantic partner is like everyone trying to obtain a best friend who enjoys anchovy pizza, or pineapple on pizza. Only a small percentage of people like such things, and you cannot make everybody want them. Same with love. So it behooves some men to go their own way apart from women, and try to find happiness and fulfillment another way. For many people, marriage would be good. Simply don’t marry in order to receive love. Do so to find fulfillment another way, such as companionship and/or teamwork. Then love may possibly develop.

95% of parents do love their children, and 95% of children do love their parents. But it shouldn’t be your burden to change those who don’t; it is what it is. People choose to be how they are. I have attended different group therapy sessions, church groups, and self-help groups. People professed love for one another, everyone hugged, called one another brother and sister; some cried. These things touched my heart. I felt sensations of trust, caring, and sharing. Yet after the initial high wears off, created by a built up crescendo of emotions, groups fizzle out. People grow cold, drop out, stop calling, and move away. Larger organizations also consistently fail, such as the 1960s so-called decade of love hippie communities.

Considering our fallen nature, extremely few have an abundance of love inside them. Love groups, emotional support groups, religious groups, and community groups arouse the needy. Groups may begin with good intentions, but most people, when their needy feelings or financial needs are satisfied, or they find something else, quit. Although certain people get satisfaction from these groups, what proves that someone likes you is their willingness to see you outside the designated group. Besides group members often failing to connect outside these groups, sometimes the groups disband completely. Society’s attempts to foster love and community have failed miserably.

For most of my life, nobody called, visited, wrote, e-mailed me, or sent birthday or Christmas cards, which pattern never ended. That, coupled with being single, estranged from my cousins, and being an only child was exceptionally challenging. A notable exception was a man without a car calling my work, having an employee chase me down so he could ask for a ride. This behavior is typical; lottery winners become suddenly inundated with telephone calls and letters from people who have not spoken to them in years.

I did manage to connect with about twenty or so seemingly wonderful friendly people throughout my lifetime, both male and female. But later in life, after taking an early retirement, and feeling lonely, I went out of my way to extend myself to those important people in my past, contacting them on social network sites, or calling or trying to visit them personally. I was also careful not to discuss anything controversial. Surprisingly, none of them showed any interest in me, as if I was a stranger. And I’m in my fifties. So young people, be prepared for how people truly are.

If everyone made it a priority to BE loving instead of seeking it, and not worrying how others felt about you, the world would be radically different. Truthfully, there are some whom nobody loves except God. Love is not something hidden and mysterious; love is a shining light. Those who love others show ongoing interest in them. They don’t abandon them or write them off. In conclusion: do NOT seek love from other humans; NEVER. If you are bound and determined to find love, attempt to find it from God, whatever your concept of God might be. And if you don’t believe in God, you may use Nature or the Universe as your higher power.

Regardless, the ones that NEED love are the various animal species, since humans are crushing our planet with overpopulation. Some endangered species only number several hundred worldwide, while humans number 8 billion. TERRIBLE. So do whatever you can to help. If you can see God through Nature, great. If you just appreciate Nature for its own sake, that’s cool too. Regardless, remember what I’ve written and take it to heart.


I would make a post on this subject regardless since it’s so important. But it’s extra important since some have the misguided notion that I’m unloving because I’m politically incorrect. Yet I’m *more* loving than the average person, detractors notwithstanding. The chief source I showcase as the standard for love is Christian scripture, since Christianity has always insisted that love is the most important thing and is always mandatory. However, most Christian believers have shown an inaccurate understanding of love. So bear with me as I navigate through a glass darkly.

Now some have said that Koine Greek, the language that New Testament scripture was written in, is the most precise instrument for expressing human thought. I disagree. I would say that instead, it is modern English. Besides, the word Koine simply means common, so that was common Greek. Furthermore, Jesus and His disciples spoke Hebrew, not Greek. Hebrew was such a limited language that written Hebrew didn’t even have vowels. This limitation is evident, since Christian scripture speaks of either love or hate, and lacks terms of degree, such as liking a lot, simply liking, indifference, dislike, and strong dislike.

For example, the Westboro Baptist cult founded by Fred Phelps tries to justify their hatred with Romans 9:13, where it references God saying “Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.” Yet they should know better. Consider Luke 14:26, where Jesus says “If any man hate not his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters, he cannot be my disciple.” That cannot mean hatred. It simply means to love less. Likewise Romans 9:13. Although love always wishes the best for others, love is constantly perverted into prioritizing other’s immediate gratification.

By advocating restrictions on behavior you might be accused of “hateful nonsense.” Yet love often entails forgoing gratification to obtain greater gratification much later. Sometimes love requires negating gratification for some to obtain gratification for many, or negating gratification for many to obtain greater gratification for another group of many. Love even calls for curbing the gratification of many to support the few, such as our tax money supporting the handicapped. It may even call for permanently restricting natural behavior in view of higher goals.

Now some say that the underlying Greek word agape in Scripture denotes the highest form of love. I disagree. Consider that several times Christ’s disciples were admonished to love (agape) one another. But in Titus 2:4 where it says that women are to love their children, the underlying word is philoteknos: a maternal love, not agape. No sensible person would expect mothers to love fellow believers who they know only casually more than their own children. And both husbands and wives are called to love each other, the underlying word being philandros, meaning a special affection for.

If they had this special affection for another, they would be cheating philanderers, which designation comes from that Greek word. T word eros: sexual love, does not appear, perhaps a reaction to its having been overemphasized. Also, in Matthew 22:37-39’s greatest Commandments: Thou shalt love God with all thy heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love they neighbor as thyself, the underlying word for love is agapao’. This is the same underlying word in Matthew 5:44’s admonishment to love your enemies. So word context has chief importance.

As for loving one’s enemies, there are two parts: 1) We should never hold a grudge or harbor hatred for any offense, as hate consumes the hater; it’s counterproductive. Rather, if we won’t forgive we won’t be forgiven by God, who we owe far more to than anyone owes us. Read the parable of the unmerciful servant: Matthew 18:21-35. So towards antagonistic people, we should love their humanity and apply basic morality to them. That could even help them change. But if they won’t change and are too harmful, we should cut off contact with them and respect them from afar.

Now part 2: Scripture does NOT teach us to love *everybody.* Besides, nobody loves everybody. Anybody who says they do is either lying or deluded. although God so loved the world, there comes a point when some people cut themselves off from God’s love. Some have become so hardened, they cannot be forgiven. Luke 12:10. And where is the logic in God loving somebody whom He knows He will damn? Sociopaths: those without conscience, certianly fall into the category of being unlovable.

For example, the extremely sadistic serial killers Igor Suprunyuk and Viktor Sayenko. If you watched their horrible video Three Guys One Hammer, and knew of their character and exploits, loving them would be irrational. Such maniacs have forfeited their humanity. As for Christians, Jesus stated “By this shall all know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. John 13:35. This undoubtedly includes fraternal affection, benevolence, being humane, and being courteous, expressed by the quasi-synonymous words philadelphia, philadelphos, philanthropia, philanthropos, and philo. Those who ocnsistently lack those qualities are hypocrites.

So if you completely avoid someone just because you cannot stand their personality, you have no love for them whatsoever, as love is always something active. Instead, you must learn to be tolerant and openminded. There are also bad types of love, such as philarguria and philarguros, meaning avarice or covetousness, as in 1st Timothy 6:10’s love of money. Then there is philautos, meaning undue selfishness or narcissism, and philedonos, meaning hedonism. There is also a neutral form of love: thelo, meaning choose, prefer, or delight in, such as I love pizza.

Then there are those who push the idea that we are all one race and should love everyone worldwide as blood brothers. They like quoting Acts 17:26: “He hath made of one blood all nations of men.” But this may simply be an expression for having similar bodies as designed by God. It is common knowledge that not everyone has the same exact blood. There are different human blood types incompatible with others, and genetic markings in the blood vary according to race. Secondly, the end of Acts 17:26 says “He hath determined the bounds of their habitation. This suggests fixed boundaries between the various races. Thirdly, archeological evidence suggests polygenism: the view that human races are of different origins.

The idea that DNA proves the Out of Africa theory is rubbish. Besides, most people groups prefer members of their own race and/or nationality. So if you don’t hold a special love for your own people and heritage, your people may become disadvantaged or extinct. Speaking of extinct, the primary races we must worry about in this day and age are all the wonderful species of wild animals. We must love animals, as they are as much God’s creation as humans. We must also prioritize caring for animals, as they cannot care for themselves in the face of the many actions which lead to wiping them out. Love of animals is paramount! For an excellent understanding of love, read 1st Corinthians chapter 13 (in the King James agape is translated: charity) memorize it, and take it to heart. Remember what I’ve said; avoid all stubborn paths.

Problems Made Simple

Great news! Though a popular idea is that our world is full of problems, it only amounts to one single problem. That is, it lacks TRUTH. Others say “All you need is love.” That’s right but totally misleading. The reason is that society at large has no idea what love is. Many people’s concept of love is as far from reality as Pluto is far away from Earth. People think that always helping someone get immediate pleasure is love, and whenever someone hampers your immediate pleasure, it’s lack of love or hate. A good example that disproves this is heroin abuse. Though giving a most intense pleasure, that is always far outweighed by many extremely painful cravings and withdrawals. It destroys the person completely.

Most people understand stuff like that, but ignore how their words and actions or lack thereof will affect themselves or others years later. Other people may not understand that though their behavior helps themselves and their acquaintances, unknown others may be hurt by those behaviors. Yet others may not understand how so-called love and progress will harm society several generations down the road. Most do not understand that prioritizing happiness instead of sacrifice will lead to unhappiness in a next life.

So my objective is speaking the hard truth. And I see truth and love as virtually the same thing: Love being Truth and Truth being Love. However, I focus on the truth facet of the equation since love has been prostituted into a big heart shaped bowl of diarrhea. On the contrary, the concept of truth can be easily understood, as everyone understands that two and two make four. And you cannot be loving before first being truthful.

Now here are sources that lack truth: First, television. There’s a reason it’s called the idiot box. It peddles bags of lies. So does the radio. Newspapers and magazines often have no more truth than toilet paper and are just as distorted with filth. Some books are good; many are trash. And I wouldn’t trust what schools and universities have to say unless they’re teaching something that cannot be distorted, like pure mathematics. They often engage in brainwashing. Your parents and grandparents can be fine sources of truth, and you should honor them. But however well-meaning they are, they could be hoodwinked by those unreliable and corrupt sources of information.

***Now I have a shortcut to finding truth. I declare that every single idea without exception that was not popular in some circle before 1900 is automatically wrong. Sometimes we must go back before 1700 to find the truth. And sometimes we must go back before 1300 for the truth. That’s because the human body, human brain, and human spirit: our nature, has remained unchanged for eons. Therefore, Modernism is wrong de facto. The Dark Ages were not the Middle Ages. We’re headed into the Dark Ages right now.

Humans have been on Earth for a very long time, with plenty of opportunities for great thinkers to gather enough truth to make the world go around. And numerous great civilizations arose. So, we should know history. However, the history that schools and the media teach is either woefully incomplete, irrelevant, terribly distorted, or an outright lie. We must either find books that date before 1960, those before 1900, and ancient works, or scour the Internet for information. That’s because the Internet is the only modern source of information that is not unfairly censored across the board. Since modern society objects to my proposition, I will reiterate common contentions which support Modernism, and briefly answer each one here:

Contention 1: “Our world is far better because of machines, life-saving medicines, and tools of communication.” Yet machines have put millions out of work, while cars have crippled millions while polluting the air. With people living longer through medicines, this will prevent countless others to even be born, since our world has limited space. And people are far more distant than in yesteryear; many don’t even have one friend, despite our tools of communication.

Contention 2: “Throughout history women were treated like garbage.” This is little more than an outright lie. And in the rare cases where women were mistreated, men were treated even worse.

Contention 3: “Slavery and torture were everywhere.” This is a wild exaggeration. Also, some slavery was justified, because it was a punishment for criminals, where societies lacked prisons. And slavery is still widespread in third world countries today, while torture continues. And in addition we have a new type of slavery and torture today: hard drug addiction. Certain drugs lead to absolute mental and physical torture. This torture lasts far longer than the typical medieval torture.

Contention 4: “Great scientific advancements have replaced a world of harmful superstition and ignorance.” Yet actually, most scientific advancements are only advancements in trivial knowledge. Also, when science would be highly beneficial, it is often not used due to stubbornness, fear, political correctness, or financial greed. And now, we have a completely unscientific viewpoint of men’s nature, women’s nature, the nature of the races, and human nature in general. In that way we have gone backwards. And actually, much of the ignorance and superstition of yesteryear was harmless, while harmful ignorance and superstition reign in third world countries today. For example, African medicine men now harvest body parts from albino children. And superstition is increasing in America through New Age beliefs and practices.

Contention 5: “The Holy Spirit slowly increased His operation, as humanity became more ready for it.” Yet this argument is actually a blatant contradiction of Christianity. In John 16:13 Jesus told His disciples that when the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide them into ALL truth. That did not mean all scientific facts, or truths that we have no business knowing. He meant all truths necessary to thrive as a society. And this Holy Spirit came upon those disciples in Acts chapter 2. That was 2,000 years ago. And by going back to the *very* beginning, that should end all argument for so-called advancement. That’s because it is illogical for our Creator to have failed to give the original humans what was necessary for them to thrive, or to lie to them about what was needed.

Regardless what, our world is certainly not advancing for any species but our own. In fact, many species of animals and plants have been WIPED OFF the FACE of the EARTH by ARROGANT HOMO SAPIENS. And today there are perverted sociopaths who actually film animal torture for kicks. And for those who don’t have the heart to care about others, they should consider that we now have the technology to wipe ourselves off the face of our planet with nuclear bombs. TALK ABOUT PROGRESS (sarcasm). So, repudiate today’s one big problem: Modernism, and do everything to grasp the truth. No matter the problem, no matter the issue, Truth is the one and only path to take.

*****My posts organized according to subject=
