Tag Archives: hate

Being an Asp: Asperger’s Mental Condition

Asperger’s syndrome and related autism spectrum disorders have been recently discovered by the public. Those with such conditions are still misunderstood, misdiagnosed, and mistreated by professionals whose help is useless or harmful. My condition was unknown until age forty, when *I diagnosed myself* with Asperger’s. Autism, savant-ism, or a combination of several conditions might be more appropriate diagnoses. Other gigantic differences between myself and others are beyond the scope of this post. As for autism disorders, here are some basic facts:

People are born with these conditions; they never acquire them. Crooks in the psyche fields used to call it mental illness, but at least that lies was mostly dispelled. This awkward Regardless, there is either no possible cure for these conditions, cures whose side effects are too serious, or cures that are too expensive. Asperger’s and related disorders predominantly effect males, often a ten to one ratio Support groups for these conditions are centered in big cities and are often unavailable elsewhere. EVERYONE with Asperger’s has or had serious social problems. As a boy I not only suffered mistreatment and shunning at the hands of my peer group, teachers and other older adults reacted negatively and unfairly to me too. Even my parents didn’t understand me. So, they shut off emotional support and blamed me for things that my condition caused. Therefore, most men with Asperger’s are prevented from ever marrying.

EVERYONE with Asperger’s has a lifetime problem with learning. They can be either slow learners, are required to learn things differently, or are unable to learn certain things, while excelling in other areas. As for me, I lacked short term memory, or had invasive thoughts that made me forget. So, I never remembered verbal directions given in multiple steps. Therefore, most men with Asperger’s have problems finding suitable jobs. Some also have a nervous disorder. We may initially appear normal while others, such as those with Down’s syndrome, do not. However, our apparent normalcy may quickly fall apart. Since people seemingly think we have mental superiority, not disability, they expect superior functioning and social interactions, never saying or doing what they don’t like. This awkward pseudosophistication is seen as arrogance; people have assumed I was purposely offensive.

So, my speaking off-key was excoriated while those with immediately obvious disabilities usually receive sympathy. So, interacting by never mentioning a disability has failed. Rather, being upfront about the situation has helped somewhat. Instead, those with Asperger’s have been dishonest about who had these conditions. Einstein and Edison allegedly had Asperger’s merely because of childhood difficulties; labeling them as such supposedly creates respect. That’s BAD, as now we’re supposed to be Einsteins and Edisons when we CANNOT. Two people who likely had Asperger’s were chess champion Bobby Fischer, and famous artist Andy Warhol. Andy’s silence and feigned ignorance lowered people’s expectations of him; it was primarily effective. However, he offended thousands of people, never married, and was critically wounded in an assassination attempt by a woman, causing his premature death.

Bobby Fischer adopted aggression, which also helped in some ways while hurting in others. Though becoming rich and famous, he was constantly involved in personal conflicts, didn’t marry until sixty, was kicked out of the chess federation, kicked out of the United States, and died prematurely. Besides, maintaining a balance between these two extremes of being withdrawn or bombastic can be as difficult as walking while holding a board with a marble atop, and keeping the marble centered. An excellent movie about someone with Asperger’s is Ben X. Yet lies continue. A man claiming to have Asperger’s authored a book, selling millions of copies. In it he bragged about his early success with careers, hobbies, and women, and exploits involving malicious mischief and cruelty. Instead of Asperger’s, he showed signs of being a *psychopath*.

So, if you ever encounter his book, which cover features a freckle faced boy squeezing his eyes shut, *avoid it like the plague*; don’t waste your money or time. As for Elon Musk’s claim of having Asperger’s, this is a wicked, extremely dishonest attempt to manipulate others through compassion. He is a sociopath: a completely self-serving person with no conscience whatsoever. He has no mental condition of any kind, outside of his sociopathy. And ignore self-serving books written by parents about their Asperger children. Such parents have even interjected themselves into Asperger’s meetings and caused disruption of said meetings by badmouthing others with Asperger’s with the group. Such antagonists should be ejected or refused from every such group, and completely ignored. Instead, people should hear what people like us have to say.

Regardless, I do NOT defend most Asperger people. Most are antisocial and non-supportive. I only defend the approximately 15% of them who are often nice. The other 85% are like rotten society. The difference is that Asperger people have a higher average IQ and are blunter when speaking. Due to problems in regular High School, I escaped it, and entered an alternative program. College was too overwhelming, so I shortly quit. Though intelligent and hard-working, I was only allowed low-paying menial jobs. The work was either extremely tedious, dirty and degrading, such as cleaning up mouse droppings, or dangerous. A company had me shred paper for stuffing boxes, which paper contained used Kleenex, and half eaten food with bugs encircling it. I could not relate to coworkers, who often talked obscenely and purposely blasted smelly farts, while conflicts erupted.

Thankfully I was able to retire early and be financially secure via my parents, use my writing talent, and escape most problems by simple avoidance. Oddly enough, throughout my life people declared that I was highly intelligent yet treated me like I was stupid. And throughout my life people declared that I was nice but treated me like I was mean. So, *to Hell with society*. Since people cannot even get their story straight, guess who needs to go to the funny farm? Actually, society is the funny farm. A woman with Asperger’s coined the term “Aspie”, a nickname now popular for the syndrome. I resent this sissy sounding which cannot be taken seriously. Since this syndrome predominantly effects men, I came up with Asp, which is also a type of cobra. Serpents were often symbols of either power, royalty, spirituality, or wisdom.

Again, I was not purposefully offensive. Rather, I was upset and bewildered as to how to function socially. Though others can avoid social conflicts, people with acute Asperger’s or similar disorders cannot change certain behavior patterns. Many with unwanted conditions offend regularly, by words and/or actions. It cannot be pinpointed, perhaps brain wave conditions or broken sensors fail to differentiate between what is or is not socially proper. We cannot but see things differently. The authoress of a book on Asperger’s understood that we often give offense inadvertently, and so declared that Asperger’s sufferers should apologize whenever that happens, although they feel no need. Yet that is an attempt to burden someone with constantly apologizing for something natural to them, besides their burden of mental disability.

Instead, society should be *extra tolerant*, instead of being *prejudiced piles of poop*. Thinking bad about someone becomes self-fulfilling prophecy. As long as we view intelligent people with mental handicaps or personality quirks as evil geniuses, crazy idiots, or mad scientists, cycles of conflict and rejection perpetuate. In a couple of extreme cases, young men on the autism spectrum murdered people with an assault rifle. But although blowing random people’s brains out is a tragedy, the greater tragedy is the greater waste of brains when society refuses to allow intelligent men to use their talents. If our world continues to shoot down its best and brightest, our world is doomed. Supposedly, autistic savant sisters Flo and Kay Lyman had personalities so unique, that they could only connect with each other. Anyone else could not stand them for long, only for short periods.

Yet if God was as narrow minded and intolerant towards tolerating someone very different for long periods, He would have to *condemn absolutely everyone to rot in Hell*. So, *change your rotten attitude toward those like me*. Some dispute my claim to Asperger’s, so I explain: Throughout my life, apparently nobody suspected I was on the autism spectrum. Like I said, professionals were completely incompetent. Eventually I met two men who claimed to have Asperger’s, and who had similarities to myself. One explained his condition and talked about getting on disability. So, I applied for by self-diagnosing myself with Asperger’s to escape bad job situations. Some professionals went with my suggestion, then tested me and confirmed it. I thereby retired and collect a disability check. I’m well aware that very few diagnosed with Asperger’s ever collect disability.

So, my disability check is also predicated upon my especially social conflicts or a second, third, or fourth unidentified condition. Though labeling children as having Asperger’s originated by 1944, the modern view did not even exist until 1981, and was not a standard diagnosis until the 1980s. And the human brain is the most complicated structure in the universe. I also saw a video titled 22 Asperger’s Signs and Traits in Adults and noted that I had 18 out of 22. I then took the AQ test (Asperger’s/autism spectrum test), and *clearly* tested within the autism spectrum range. There is more evidence for me having the condition than most people who claim to have it. As for my True Forced Loneliness videos, a man said “We Aspers don’t complain about being alone. We complain about too many people around us.” But I wanted solitude as a child. My parents did everything to stop that and force me to socialize with others.

They also pounded into me their value of social connections. So, they forced my change of thinking. I’m also an only child and do hate having people around me if they disturb me with noise. Because of my philosophy, Aspers have called me an idiot, “ignorant like flat-earthers”, a sociopath, compared me to Charles Manson, and cut off dialogue with me. But because I know I have high intelligence, high morals, and did my research, I know that such people are evil, foolish, and ignorant. It baffles me that a group of people with major commonalities with me can be that way. Besides, I’m over fifty. So, if you are a teenager or in your twenties, STOP telling me how to be. Instead, respect your elders. Now I was liberal for much of my life. I spoke against racism, supported Blacks, supported feminism, and trumpeted gay rights while others did not.

My theory was that all marginalized people must stick together to beat unfair discrimination. I was *dead wrong*. That’s because people don’t care about those on the autism spectrum unless they themselves or a close family member has it. And consider that maybe 3% of people are LGBTQ, 30% of people are non-white, and 50% are female. So, they have plenty of their own people to look out for their interests. Yet less than 1% are diagnosed with Asperger’s and on top of that we are all mentally handicapped. And most people who identify as Asps are straight White males, who are the true victims of bigotry in our 21st century. So, we cannot afford to burden ourselves with other people’s issues, especially when they spit on ours. And instead of making snap judgments about me, get to know me by reading numerous posts of mine and seeing numerous videos (K C Sunbeam on Bit-Chute).

And NO, I do NOT want to represent the “ASD community”. Instead, I want to show the ASD community how to escape cowardice, antisocial behavior, and failure to do anything with one’s life. I used to be that way, but I discovered Christianity, old fashioned values, and strong role models. I won’t do any more research on this subject until those on the autism spectrum calm down with their backstabbing, and I can form close personal connections with others who also have an autism spectrum disorder. That’s only fair and logical. And if Asps refuse to group together to show each other love and support, and refuse to aggressively fight for their equal treatment, then it would behoove society to incorporate eugenics and genetic engineering so that nobody else is born with these conditions. Think deeply about what I have written.

My posts organized according to subject =


Autism and Hate

In 1993 “Brandon Teena”, a female to male transgender person, was raped and murdered. In 1998 James Byrd Jr., a Black man, was chained to a pickup truck and dragged off. The friction tore him apart and killed him. That same year Matthew Shepard, a gay man, was kidnapped, tortured, and killed. In 2018 the Original Nightstalker or Golden State Killer, who terrorized and murdered many women, was finally caught. I denounce all these evil actions as inexcusable. The death penalty would be appropriate for the perpetrators.

However, in our 21st century these cases are very rare; they are atypical. And it is highly unlikely that hatred towards certain groups will ever vanish completely, since there are always disgruntled and disturbed people looking to target differences. The goal should be to minimize the mistreatment of various groups, which we have largely done in those cases. And even concerning those with handicaps such as adults with the mental capacity of five-year olds, and those paralyzed in wheelchairs, people get very angry if some refer to such handicapped people as retarded or cripple.

Yet it is open season on those with autism, a condition we are born with, which has no cure. Someone sent me a picture of a man with a handgun to his head and the trigger cocked, with the caption “How to cure autism really fast.” This came from a video, which YouTube approved of, which had over 25,000 views and over 600 thumbs up. Someone did a Google search by typing “autistic people should”. The top three results were: “autistic people should be killed”, autistic people should die”, and “autistic people should be exterminated.” Other groups did not have such top search suggestions. Because such search results no longer come up does not mean that attitudes have changed. Search engines have simply blocked such results, which hides how people truly feel about us.

A case that made national headlines involved a White autistic man who was kidnapped, partially scalped, and threatened with death unless he drank toilet water. The Black perpetrators videotaped it and posted it to Facebook. Analysis by the Office of National Statistics shows that those disability impacts them behaviorally and socially are far more likely to be hate crime victims than any other group. In addition, I must add that there are probably more autistic victims of hate crime than those reported, as some may be labeled by their gender identity, orientation, or race, instead of realizing that their handicap was the chief factor that attracted victimization. I dare say that 99% of people hold some degree of bigotry against autistic people. And most of society is highly bigoted against autistic people.

One example of unfairness is criticism I have gotten for reading from a paper on my videos. If I could do a good job without reading a paper, I would certainly speak directly from my mind. And I authored every paper on every video. And with printed speeches I’m more to the point than most people who do not read notes, and unlike many, I say everything I need to say because of them. Autistic people may be targeted because most are straight white males (from a Communist theory that such people are the oppressors), or because most are very quiet and don’t speak up for themselves. The great majority of autistic men never marry due to complete rejection. And the great majority of autistic men can never find a decent job, even if very intelligent and/or hardworking, since society is not accommodating.

Being unable to support yourself, and without other means of support, may certainly destroy your life. Others with different mental handicaps also face mistreatment. For example, I had a bus driver who had a stroke, causing his speech to be barely recognizable. Years later I read in the paper that he got into a serious car accident. The police had arrived and assumed he was drunk. They refused to let him go for days, so he was unable to get his needed preventative medication. This caused him to have another massive stroke, which left him almost completely incapacitated. In another incident, Chicago police found a mentally handicapped woman wandering around outside. So, they picked her up and dropped her into a crime ridden neighborhood. From there she was coaxed into an apartment building where she was raped.

While fleeing her attackers she fell from a high-rise window, which left almost completely incapacitated with sever and permanent brain damage from the impact. Thankfully in both cases the police departments were sued for lots of money. The reasons we are not accepted is that people misunderstand us, either from mental laziness, stupidity, or being uncaring. And moreover, people despise others who are perceived as very different from themselves. Such attitudes are a greater handicap spiritual-wise, than our mental handicap. So, if all the people who unfairly judge us were exterminated, the world would be a much better place. Fellow handicapped people: we CANNOT be passive. Even being assertive is not enough. We all must be AGGRESSIVE to fight injustice. Most bigotry against handicapped people is emotion-based.

And I have news for you: Your feelings don’t count in this matter. Only objective truth matters. Most bigotry may be subconscious. But that’s still no excuse. What we can do to greatly reduce our own marginalization of handicapped people is to watch videos featuring disfigured people and those whose mental handicaps cause unusual mannerisms and speech patterns. This should result in a dramatic change in perception when meeting such people in person. Admittedly, a certain percentage of handicapped adults are not dating or marriage material, would be unable to adequately hold a decent job regardless, and living with them might be unbearable. But if they are unable to improve themselves, they should get a disability check from the government that is large enough to comfortably live on.

And if there would be too many such people where it would overly burden taxpayers, we would need to introduce and enforce selective breeding and genetic engineering to largely prevent the passing on of undesirable genetic traits. I wish my parents incorporated genetic engineering before my birth. Regardless, if humanity refuses to change, I believe our planet would be better off if it was destroyed by nuclear war. So, Judge NOT according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment (John 7:24). And clean your act up!


I’m not discussing hate as in, I hate pineapples on pizza (simply a dislike). Neither the word hate when used in the Bible to mean disavow allegiance to. Instead, I’m discussing hatred. Quoting John’s First Epistle 3:15: “Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.” So anyone who has hatred toward another would either murder them or cause grievous harm if legal opportunity arose. Anyone who says they are incapable of such things is lying. We all are. Since hate pollutes the mind, we must all work to reign in our thoughts and attitudes.

In fact, all hateful people are bad people by definition. However, there is something we should hate: sin and evil. That and that alone. And people hating you is NOT a sign that you are a bad person. Quoting Luke 6:22: “Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake.”

A major problem today is people calling various groups hate groups, such as White Nationalist groups, men’s rights groups, and even Trump supporters or Republicans. Swastikas are unfairly demonized, along with the Confederate flag, and sometimes the Betsy Ross flag or even today’s American flag. Never give in to these Leftists. We need to counteract this garbage. If we don’t, they will just get more extreme, and eventually change the laws to force their way down other’s throats. Instead, Leftists are often the haters. The only groups that should be labeled hate groups are those where all their members are committed to harming others, such as street gangs or ISIS.

The owners of YouTube terminated thousands of video channels on account of what they deemed hate speech, including mine. But only around 1% of those channels should have been labeled as promoting hate. And they keep some video channels featuring content that is truly a harmful influence. YouTube is very corrupt. It is owned by the mega-giant Google company, who manipulates algorithms to help bury websites they deem misinformation, when such websites run counter to Google’s Leftist agenda.

So hate is a common problem harbored by “normal people”, not just drooling psychopathic outcasts, as portrayed in horror films. Here are examples of hate: When in High School I called a girl on the phone whom I found attractive. She started screaming, yelled at me to get off the phone, and threatened to call the police. At a later time, when I walked past her house on the way to school, she told her dog to sic em on me. Then once while she was being driven by a guy at school, she yelled out Fag! to me. In Chicago, several Black teens kidnapped a mentally impaired man for voting Republican. They coerced him to drink from a toilet, attacked him with a knife, and filmed it.

When my parents and I lived in a certain town, there was a No Trespassing sign posted, which warned of legal consequences. But this was not on private property. It was at the entrance to a regular subdivision. While my parents and I were walking through that area a woman approached us in her car, shouting at my parents that we did not belong in the area. Then she repeatedly drove back and forth to swerve toward us to scare us. Yet we were well dressed, and of the same race as she.

In India, society created an Untouchable class, and forces about a million people so designated to do the dirtiest, most dangerous jobs, and for very little pay. No matter how hard they work, how intelligent they are, or how upstanding, they are trapped in that state by birth. They are completely shunned by all other classes. So most hateful people on Earth are considered fine upstanding citizens. But after this short life is over, there will be a reckoning from God.

Quoting works of Shakespeare: “By Heaven my heart is purged from grudging hate; And with my hand I seal my true heart’s love”——Richard the Third Act 2 Scene 1. “I am a true laborer; I earn that I eat, get that I wear, owe no man hate, envy no man’s happiness, glad of other men’s good, content with my harm”——–As You Like It Act 3 Scene 2. “In time we hate that which we often fear”———Antony and Cleopatra Act 1 Scene 3. “Love thyself last, cherish those hearts that hate thee; Corruption wins not more than honesty”——–Henry the Eighth Act 3 Scene 2. Yet although Christ taught us to love our enemies, the best thing is usually to put as much distance between yourself and haters as possible, and cherish them from afar, preferably on the moon. Quoting Socrates: “From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate.”

Quoting the Buddha: “Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.” Some people get agitated when seeing a spider, and feel the urge to hunt down and squash it. Even that is hate, if the spider is harmless. It too is a bad attitude that should be disposed of, since even spiders are God’s creation. Even lying is a step toward hate. Quoting Proverbs 26:28: “A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it.” When you lie to someone you are manipulating and disrespecting them. And all unnecessary anger is a step in the wrong direction. Think on these things.

The Plight of Black People

A major claim in our 21st century is that racism still flourishes, though a different form. Many claim there are “hidden pockets of racism”, or “Many citizens harbor a subtle racism.” Let’s examine that. Now common sense says that if someone hates another group, they either harm them or avoid them like they have leprosy. I will start with White women’s attitude toward Black men, according to my polls. The result was 45%. Guess what that pertains to among the following options: A) 45% of White women admit wanting to harm or exploit Black men; B) 45% want to completely avoid all Black men, though wishing them no harm; C) 45% of White women have Black men as friendly acquaintances, and freely shake their hand; D) 45% are close friends with Black men, with hugs and kisses; or E) 45% of White women had full sexual intercourse with Black men.

Ready? It’s E: 45% of White women went all the way and had full intimate sex with Black men. Yet the most prevalent countries on the site where I polled had an overall Black population of only 9%. If you challenge my polls as being inaccurate and therefore giving too high a percentage, know that other polls tally *higher* percentages of White women having had sex with Black men. If you cannot show me a poll with a percentage lower than mine, then don’t argue. People complain about the plight of Black men, but many men would probably pay to share this plight. Even if just 9% of White women were with a Black man certainly would not indicate any racism, but rather reflect the average percentage of Blacks in those regions. Yet the figure is QUINTUPLE or 400% HIGHER than regional averages.

Again, common sense says that if we dislike someone we stay far away from them, not do the EXACT OPPOSITE. What about the other 55%? Out of them you will have White women who had sex with non-white men of a different race, those who have never been with a Black man simply because their area lacked Black people, White women who lack such sexual experience simply because they never had sex and aren’t ready for it, and those who have never gone Black simply because they’re lesbian. Then there are White women who dated a Black man or had a Black boyfriend but it just didn’t work out, and those that were never serious with a Black man but had close friendships or warm acquaintanceships with them.

Outside of that we have White women who managed to have friendly acquaintanceship with other non-white groups, and those who would never get involved with non-white men, not because of bigotry, but because they want to preserve their own heritage and/or race. Deducting all the legitimate reasons no doubt leaves around ZERO PERCENT of racist White women. Now for why 45% of White women had sex with Black men: Consider the book To Kill a Mockingbird. This book was voted the most inspirational book of all time, beating the Bible into second place. (Although I consider it a boring second rate uninspiring book). To Kill a Mockingbird focuses on a White woman having committed adultery with a Black man.

This book has been mandatory reading in High School since I was that age, and is still mandatory reading in American schools today. It has been voted the United Kingdom’s best loved book. Besides, this book is first presented in a vulnerable time in young people’s lives where they are likely contemplating their first sexual experience. It certainly presents a false dilemma, since the characters that oppose the interracial adultery falsely imprison the Black man, then murder him. The author tries to trick readers into thinking that the options are either embrace Blacks sexually or hate them, when there are a spectrum of options, from peaceful avoidance to close Platonic friendship. Then there is the influence of movies, television shows, and commercials.

Now for White Men’s attitude toward Black men. A FiveThirtyEight and ESPN Research survey showed that only 7% of men do not watch sports. As for professional players, 41% of baseball players are non-white, 70% of football (or rugby) players are Black, and 74% of basketball players are Black. Now White male sports fans do NOT root for teams based on race. They root for teams based on their region of origin. White Californian men will be for such teams as the Angels, 49ers, and Lakers. Those from the Chicagoland area will be for such teams as the Bears, Bulls, and Cubs. White New Yorkers will be for such teams as the Giants, Knicks, and Yankees; Texans will support such teams as the Astros, Cowboys, and Rockets. That is true even if their star player is Black.

As for the other 7%, among their reasons for not liking sports are: lack of team loyalty on account of players being regularly traded, they find sports boring, they are an artistic type where sports do not appeal to their personality, or they have found other interests. This leaves around 0% of White men being racist. Now for police officer’s attitude toward Blacks: Many Blacks claim to be persecuted on the road, and are only guilty of so-called Driving while Black. But the great majority of the time when police pull over vehicles, they pull them over from the back. It is difficult to quickly determine someone’s race from the back of their car. So if this Driving while Black thing was true, we would have to conclude that officers are willing to make their jobs harder to satisfy racism.

And at night, it is IMPOSSIBLE to determine someone’s race from the back of their car. Then there is the outcry over all the Blacks killed by policemen. Centers for Disease Control noted that in 2012 police killed 123 Blacks, but also killed 227 Whites. And the FBI’s UCR division recorded that in 2012 2,412 Blacks killed other Blacks, while only 431 killed Whites. So if killing proved racism, it would be Blacks being racist against themselves, not the police. They also say that the far higher rate of Black men going to prison than White men demonstrates bigotry. The problem is, Black *women’s* rate is LOWER than White men’s. And Black men over 45 have a LOWER incarceration rate than White men under 30.

So, you would have to conclude that those statistics reflect bigotry against Whites in favor of Blacks, or in fairness, throw out the whole argument. Actually, as you should be able to see, the entire persecution against non-whites argument must be THROWN OUT as a GIANT HOAX. A dangerous hoax indeed. Focusing on so-called persecution of non-whites prevents us from noticing the plight of the world’s most persecuted minority: those with mental handicaps. We must awake to their plight and tackle this problem as soon as possible. Crying mass racism against non-whites can only lead to stealing the finances, heritage, and very lifeblood of the grand White race. This form of cultural Marxism, based on greed, envy, and hatred, MUST be WIPEED OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Love is protecting our extended family, which is our race. And to stop the hate we must separate.

*****My posts organized according to subject=



I would make a post on this subject regardless since it’s so important. But it’s extra important since some have the misguided notion that I’m unloving because I’m politically incorrect. Yet I’m *more* loving than the average person, detractors notwithstanding. The chief source I showcase as the standard for love is Christian scripture, since Christianity has always insisted that love is the most important thing and is always mandatory. However, most Christian believers have shown an inaccurate understanding of love. So bear with me as I navigate through a glass darkly.

Now some have said that Koine Greek, the language that New Testament scripture was written in, is the most precise instrument for expressing human thought. I disagree. I would say that instead, it is modern English. Besides, the word Koine simply means common, so that was common Greek. Furthermore, Jesus and His disciples spoke Hebrew, not Greek. Hebrew was such a limited language that written Hebrew didn’t even have vowels. This limitation is evident, since Christian scripture speaks of either love or hate, and lacks terms of degree, such as liking a lot, simply liking, indifference, dislike, and strong dislike.

For example, the Westboro Baptist cult founded by Fred Phelps tries to justify their hatred with Romans 9:13, where it references God saying “Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.” Yet they should know better. Consider Luke 14:26, where Jesus says “If any man hate not his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters, he cannot be my disciple.” That cannot mean hatred. It simply means to love less. Likewise Romans 9:13. Although love always wishes the best for others, love is constantly perverted into prioritizing other’s immediate gratification.

By advocating restrictions on behavior you might be accused of “hateful nonsense.” Yet love often entails forgoing gratification to obtain greater gratification much later. Sometimes love requires negating gratification for some to obtain gratification for many, or negating gratification for many to obtain greater gratification for another group of many. Love even calls for curbing the gratification of many to support the few, such as our tax money supporting the handicapped. It may even call for permanently restricting natural behavior in view of higher goals.

Now some say that the underlying Greek word agape in Scripture denotes the highest form of love. I disagree. Consider that several times Christ’s disciples were admonished to love (agape) one another. But in Titus 2:4 where it says that women are to love their children, the underlying word is philoteknos: a maternal love, not agape. No sensible person would expect mothers to love fellow believers who they know only casually more than their own children. And both husbands and wives are called to love each other, the underlying word being philandros, meaning a special affection for.

If they had this special affection for another, they would be cheating philanderers, which designation comes from that Greek word. T word eros: sexual love, does not appear, perhaps a reaction to its having been overemphasized. Also, in Matthew 22:37-39’s greatest Commandments: Thou shalt love God with all thy heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love they neighbor as thyself, the underlying word for love is agapao’. This is the same underlying word in Matthew 5:44’s admonishment to love your enemies. So word context has chief importance.

As for loving one’s enemies, there are two parts: 1) We should never hold a grudge or harbor hatred for any offense, as hate consumes the hater; it’s counterproductive. Rather, if we won’t forgive we won’t be forgiven by God, who we owe far more to than anyone owes us. Read the parable of the unmerciful servant: Matthew 18:21-35. So towards antagonistic people, we should love their humanity and apply basic morality to them. That could even help them change. But if they won’t change and are too harmful, we should cut off contact with them and respect them from afar.

Now part 2: Scripture does NOT teach us to love *everybody.* Besides, nobody loves everybody. Anybody who says they do is either lying or deluded. although God so loved the world, there comes a point when some people cut themselves off from God’s love. Some have become so hardened, they cannot be forgiven. Luke 12:10. And where is the logic in God loving somebody whom He knows He will damn? Sociopaths: those without conscience, certianly fall into the category of being unlovable.

For example, the extremely sadistic serial killers Igor Suprunyuk and Viktor Sayenko. If you watched their horrible video Three Guys One Hammer, and knew of their character and exploits, loving them would be irrational. Such maniacs have forfeited their humanity. As for Christians, Jesus stated “By this shall all know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. John 13:35. This undoubtedly includes fraternal affection, benevolence, being humane, and being courteous, expressed by the quasi-synonymous words philadelphia, philadelphos, philanthropia, philanthropos, and philo. Those who ocnsistently lack those qualities are hypocrites.

So if you completely avoid someone just because you cannot stand their personality, you have no love for them whatsoever, as love is always something active. Instead, you must learn to be tolerant and openminded. There are also bad types of love, such as philarguria and philarguros, meaning avarice or covetousness, as in 1st Timothy 6:10’s love of money. Then there is philautos, meaning undue selfishness or narcissism, and philedonos, meaning hedonism. There is also a neutral form of love: thelo, meaning choose, prefer, or delight in, such as I love pizza.

Then there are those who push the idea that we are all one race and should love everyone worldwide as blood brothers. They like quoting Acts 17:26: “He hath made of one blood all nations of men.” But this may simply be an expression for having similar bodies as designed by God. It is common knowledge that not everyone has the same exact blood. There are different human blood types incompatible with others, and genetic markings in the blood vary according to race. Secondly, the end of Acts 17:26 says “He hath determined the bounds of their habitation. This suggests fixed boundaries between the various races. Thirdly, archeological evidence suggests polygenism: the view that human races are of different origins.

The idea that DNA proves the Out of Africa theory is rubbish. Besides, most people groups prefer members of their own race and/or nationality. So if you don’t hold a special love for your own people and heritage, your people may become disadvantaged or extinct. Speaking of extinct, the primary races we must worry about in this day and age are all the wonderful species of wild animals. We must love animals, as they are as much God’s creation as humans. We must also prioritize caring for animals, as they cannot care for themselves in the face of the many actions which lead to wiping them out. Love of animals is paramount! For an excellent understanding of love, read 1st Corinthians chapter 13 (in the King James agape is translated: charity) memorize it, and take it to heart. Remember what I’ve said; avoid all stubborn paths.


New Jersey’s Franklin Lakes Library kicked out actress Jacqueline Laurita’s 8 year old autistic son for non-contextual vocals and tapping. The British Film Institute movie theater kicked out 25 year old London woman with Asperger’s, Tamsin Parker, on her birthday, for laughing too much. Someone shouted that she was retarded, and several audience members applauded as she left. Amanda Paeth, a young woman with autism from Connecticut, was left out of her yearbook by Mark T. Sheeham High School. A mother and her autistic son were kicked out of the Alladin Playhouse in Chicago, Illinois. Abby Bartel, who struggled with personality and emotional issues, committed suicide after being shut out of graduation from Milton Hershey Boarding School in Pennsylvania.

On The Truther Blog, numerous women complain that their autistic sons repeatedly got kicked out of schools, including a 17 year old who never had any friends. Brian Ferguson, a 20 year old autistic man, was taking special needs classes at Navaro College in Waxahachie, Texas. His mistakenly hugged a woman he though he knew and kissed the top of her head. The school labeled it a sexual assault and declared that he was permanently expelled. United Airlines kicked the Beegle family from Oregon off an airplane because of their autistic daughter Juliette, 15. Autistic girl Magi Klages was kicked out of a Wisconsin Girl Scout Troop even though it was for girls with special needs. Autistic boy Jerry Hanley was kicked out of a Kentucky Boy Scout troop because of “likely abnormal behaviors”.

Gail Martin and her daughters sat down to eat at the Buckhead Cafe’ in Jackson, South Carolina. After her autistic 4 year old began crying, police chief Dennis Rushton bellowed from clear across the restaurant that they had to leave. Joseph Weber, a speech impaired autistic man, was shot and killed by Hays, Kansas police after he panicked and fled from a traffic stop. He was unarmed and had no criminal record. Marksville, Louisiana policemen Derrick Stafford and Norris Greenhouse, both Black, pulled over fugitive Christopher Few. They then riddled the car with bullets, wounding Mr. Few but killing his 6 year old autistic son Jeremy, whom they shot more than his father. They later claimed self-defense in that Few used his car to ram them, but this supposed event did not appear on their camcorders.

This concludes the personal accounts. Here’s what you should know about them: 1) All the aforementioned people who suffered persecution were White. 2) Each case merely represents hundreds of similar cases. 3) People contradict themselves by complaining about the unusual noises of those with mental impairment, while making or tolerating common noises which are louder. 4) Persecution doesn’t stop for older people, it just becomes different, such as making you feel unwelcome, making petty complaints about you while ignoring the faults and violations of others, preventing you from having a decent job, lacking friends, and women’s complete rejection of autistic or similarly handicapped men for any romantic or intimate connections.

Now here’s advice for regular people on how to deal with autistic or similarly handicapped people: 1) Know that autism and other such conditions are NOT mental illness. An illness is something that either can be cured with medicine, goes away by itself, or kills the person. It is a dishonest term invented by the psyche community to make money. We are born with these conditions which cannot go away. 2) Most of the aggression or threatening behavior of autistic people, especially adults, is no doubt caused by people regularly antagonizing us or treating us unfairly. When you think badly about someone beforehand, you create a self-fulfilled prophecy.

3) You must learn to treat others as you want to be treated. For an excellent example, see the YouTube video: Autistic Teen Interrupts Church Service, Watch Pastor’s Response. Wow! And for those with special needs, you may need learn how they might feel, as treating them just like yourself may be wrong for their personal situation. And if you refuse all the aforementioned advice, you’re welcome to GO TO HELL. Now my advice for those with autism or another condition that causes social problems:

1) Know that nothing will ever change unless we band together in groups and wage tireless public campaigns to be treated fairly. Though homosexual behaviors and lifestyles are against my religion, we can learn from gays, since they were about 1% of the population, and autistics now around 1%. Gay’s aggressive strategy always involved identifying themselves and/or public visibility. Their tactics also included threats of violence. This created radical change in society’s perception of them from subhuman monsters to today’s celebratory acceptance. 2) If an organized movement is unavailable at present, we should still identify who we are. It cannot hurt, and may produce sympathy and understanding.

3) After being stuck in unfulfilling, dirty, and dangerous jobs with minimal pay, along with conflicts with other employees, I applied for disability, got it no problem, and now have the free time to express my talent and viewpoints through my writing and making videos. You might try to get disability too. 4) With things as they are now, those who are regularly mistreated should withdraw from society, with the exception of protesting against society. Don’t believe the nonsense that isolating yourself for the most part is unhealthy. A lone lamb would not be better off among a wolf pack; a lone eagle would not be better off on a turkey farm.

Outside of going to Church on Sunday morning, I stay by myself, my favorite person. Most of my time is spent on the Internet. If I encounter friendly people through it, fine. If they are distasteful, I click a button and they go away. Finally, the world’s standard doesn’t count; God’s standard does. Quoting Philippians 3:8: “I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.”

Serial Killers

U. S. serial killer John Wayne Gacy raped, tortured, and murdered 33 young men and boys. And I drove his truck! That black truck with monster tires, bull bar, and plow in front was my favorite vehicle, as I towered over car drivers, and intimidated others on the road, who had to get out of my way. Actually, at the time the truck was no longer Mr. Gacy’s, since after his conviction his house was demolished, and all his possessions confiscated and sold at auction. An auto repair shop boss bought the truck, removed Gacy’s company logo and replaced it with his logo, which truck I then drove. Like Mr. Gacy, I drove along Des Plaines River Road transporting items in the cargo bed. But while Gacy used it to transport construction materials, and four bodies which he dumped into the Des Plaines River, I used it to carry oxygen and acetylene tanks for the welders.

A serial killer, by common definition, is one who has murdered at least three people, and there was a time period between killings instead of one isolated spree or spate. The idea that all serial killers are White is completely false. According to Wikipedia’s list of serial killers by number of victims, five of the top six were Hispanic or Brown men who lived in South America, killing from 100 to possibly 300 victims. The other was from Pakistan. And a higher percentage of the Black population have been known serial killers compared to the White population. Examples are Anthony Sowell, Samuel Little, and Wayne Williams. The liberal media only showcases the White ones to distort the facts.

There have even been female serial killers, such as Aileen Wuornos, Dorothea Puente, Nannie Doss, who even killed her grandsons, and Clementine Barnabet, an ax murdering voodoo priestess. Serial killers with higher body counts are not more evil than those with less, since if you are willing to murder five people, you would likely be willing to murder over 100. The high body counts for the South American killers are undoubtedly due to the incompetency of South American police forces, and because there’s no death penalty in that region, sometimes not even a life sentence. Known mass murderers there have sometimes been allowed to eventually walk free.

Although a higher percentage of serial killers are gay or bisexual men than the national average, the large majority are heterosexual and straight. And the idea that serial killers are generally isolated dysfunctional outcasts who appear very weird is completely false. The majority have been able to maintain normal relationships with the opposite sex, have friends, hold regular jobs, and appear very normal. Socialite serial killer and rapist Paul Bernardo even got his attractive girlfriend/wife Karla Homolka to be his accomplice. And most serial killers have been of average intelligence. One noted commonality among many of them has been a history of abusing animals in their earlier years. The fact that so many women have been attracted to serial killers, some even after the man’s conviction, should destroy all notions of women’s intuition. In fact, women’s attraction to serial killers should show that many women are stupid, evil, or both.

Attempts are made to affix all aberrant behavior of such predators on either bad upbringing/environment, brain damage/abnormalities, or both. Although a disproportionate number of them had traumatic experiences and bad upbringings compared to the general population, there were many exceptions. And many people had extremely severe traumas and terrible upbringings, yet never resorted to such extremely deviant behavior. Also consider that the brain of John Wayne Gacy was removed and analyzed after his death; it was found to be completely normal.

And consider that Milwaukee’s notorious serial killer Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer also engaged in cannibalism and other bizarre actions and rituals. Yet he claimed full responsibility for his actions and recognized his great sin. The system agreed and sent him to regular prison. If Jeff Dahmer was judged sane, how can others who engage in criminal activity claim not guilty be reason of insanity? Even if we could pinpoint mental abnormalities as the root cause of aberrant behavior, that would be a factor beyond our control. Instead, we must all recognize that we all possess free will, have the ability to choose between good and evil, and focus on that.

And anyone who says they’re incapable of committing murder (unless they’re a quadriplegic or in a coma) is either a liar, delusional, or both. Everyone who can physically and mentally act has the capability to commit murder. In fact, there would be several times as many murders without a severe legal penalty against it. Many are not guilty of physical murder simply because they don’t want to be punished for it. Also, consider 1st Epistle (not Gospel) of John 3:15: “Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.” That is, anyone who harbors hatred toward another has a murderous heart.

We may be fascinated by serial killers, find them very entertaining, and be thankful that we are not one of them or one of their victims. However, we must never be fooled into thinking that it makes us good people or righteous, since the true standard is so much higher. Jesus said in Matthew 5:21-22: “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old, Thou shalt not kill [which means murder, not killing in self-defense of the death penalty]; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment. But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother Raca shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.”

Again, 1st Epistle of John, 3:16-18: “Hereby perceive we the love of God, because He laid down His life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and truth.” Think on these things.

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Fat Women [and Their Admirers]

For many years I wanted to be as thin as possible, and was thin until around age 37. But I have certainly gained weight. My last weigh in was 224 lbs. at 5′ 10.25″ tall. And while I was only attracted to relatively thin women for my first 25 years, I developed a strong attraction to fat women. Those two things are probably not related. My weight gain is due to the fact that people’s metabolism slows down as they get older. The only way to maintain the same former weight (140 lbs. at the same height) would be to either eat less forever after, exercise more forever after, or both.

Also, I used to spend my free time running, while I now spend my time on the computer. And my mother, whom I still live with, has always tried to push excess food on me. Though our household has only three people, my mother keeps two giant refrigerators packed with food, and cupboards stockpiled with food supplies. As for fat women, it is NOT as simple a matter as haters make it to be. First, some women are wrongly condemned as being obese, although their body weight is between 150-195 lbs. or 66-88 kilograms. That is NOT a health hazard. The problem is that the fashion industry is often run by gay men, who lack a proper outlook on what is an attractive woman.

Since women are overly criticized while heavy men often get a pass, lots of women may think: Why bother, and so do not monitor their weight, and so become truly obese. Consider that model Tess Holiday, at 300 lbs. or 136 kilograms, is regularly the subject of personal attacks, while men like ex-basketball star Shaquille O’Neil, at 325 lbs. or 147 kilograms, are never the subject of personal attacks on account of their weight. Also, being 7′ 1″ instead of 5′ 5″ does NOT decrease the hazard of being heavy, since the heart must work to pump blood into a bigger body regardless.

And having more muscular weight instead of fat does NOT help either, since the heart actually has to work harder, since muscle tissue requires more blood than fatty tissue. And those who make anti-fat videos usually throw insults such as land whale. Social media even had a so-called Project Harpoon, with photo-shopped images of heavier women to produce thin pictures. First, it’s morally wrong to be name calling regardless. Secondly, it’s foolish to compare any human to whales, which are 50 feet or 15 meters long, and weigh 50 tons or 100,000 pounds. There is NO physical resemblance. And whales are majestic creatures. Society should be doing whatever they can to protect whales and all other endangered species.

Now if the doctors of obese women cannot persuade them to lose weight, and the families and friends of obese women cannot persuade them to lose weight, WHY IN THE WORLD would anyone think that strangers fat shaming them on the Internet would do the trick? The problem is the MOTIVATION of those who make anti-fat videos. I’m guessing that ZERO PERCENT of them are made in order to help people be more healthy, while all of them are made to make their producer and viewers feel superior and/or draw attention away from their own shortcomings. And of course for entertainment and/or to make money.

I agree with the saying that your harsh criticism of a woman’s physical appearance says more about you than it does about her. A second factor why so many women (and men) are obese in America is the fault of the food culture. See the movie Supersize Me. In fact, many people overeat because they are alone and depressed, and food comforts them. It’s stupid and mean to pressure people into giving up something they enjoy without providing a good alternative, such as being willing to be extra social towards them and include them in activities. Many people who would have otherwise turned to overeating have instead turned to dangerous drugs.

Thirdly, obesity in women may largely be a result of feminism. Since women have too much power, which they abuse, and they are often out of control, many men may want to control them with food. Some men fatten up their woman so she won’t be attractive to other men and so leave him. Others fatten up their woman because the more extra body weight you have the less energy you tend to have. Therefore you would tend not to have the extra energy to run around with various crowds and would spend more time at home. Women who are very overweight would lack considerable energy and therefore be more dependent on their husbands to do things for them. Some people may be overweight, and so want to fatten up their partners so that they look thin in comparison.

If a man gets a woman up to 700 lbs. or 318 kilograms she would be completely dependent, might be unable to leave him, and might have to submit to everything he did. He could be the complete boss due to her helplessness. Since I developed a strong attraction to 400 lb. or 180 kilogram women, and was a member of a local chapter of NAAFA: National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance, I will give other reasons why men might be attracted to fat women: In my life there were various thin young women who were especially mean, nasty, or cold towards me, while the next door neighbors had a fat girl who was friendly.

So men may see fat women as more available, which may or may not be true. Fat women are certainly lower on the social scale. Because they themselves have been marginalized, they might be more accepting of other’s differences. Also, when I was a baby and toddler, my first babysitter was a very fat woman. So maybe that planted something in my subconscious. Also, when I was a child I used to see creepy skeletal mummies in the museum. I had my own zombie consisting of a rubber skull, a rubber eyeball in one socket, my grandfather’s old coat, and some sticks for arms, which I kept in the basement.

Once on vacation I saw a so-called merman in a glass case, which was actually a very skeletal upper half of a monkey sewn onto the lower half of a large bony fish. This creeped me out. And at age 22 I visited my dying grandmother in the hospital. She had wasted to a living skeleton, which deeply disturbed me. So these things likely triggered a revulsion, which shifted my attraction to something that would be the opposite of that. And there was an incident at work where I and a fat woman, who I previously joked about, tried to squeeze through a small area at the same time. Inadvertently rubbing on her butt was an eye opening event.

Also, I am half German, and desiring heavy women seems common for men of that nationality. Certainly far more men than will admit it are attracted to fat women. Regardless, we must always tackle our own faults and sins before pointing the finger at anyone else. Even if being fat is the result of gluttony, over 300 types of other sin are mentioned in Christian scripture besides gluttony. I have the complete list, which I shall retype as a future post. Concern yourself with THAT.

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Fat People

I was so thin as a child that my parents kept nagging me to eat. In Junior High I was 105 lbs. at 5′ 8″; in High School I was 130 lbs. at 5′ 9.” When I saw fat people in public I would point and make remarks. And some people would point at me and make remarks about my being so thin. My mother said I was ugly because I was underweight. By age thirty I was a very muscular 150 lbs. at 5′ 10.” By this time, I realized that women wanted nothing to do with me. And when I went out in public, I was angered that men with giant pot bellies were with beautiful women. By age 36, at 170 lbs., I married a beautiful woman, but she divorced me after six weeks. I fell into depression and turned to food and drink. The habits never went away, and my body changed. Now, over 50, I’m around 225 lbs.

Over the years I have learned much about this topic, which I share here: Until recently it was socially acceptable to discriminate against a person’s race, gender, sexual orientation, and various other categories. Since most groups are now off limits, the anti-fat people movement sprang up, so that people still have somebody to pick on and feel superior to. In defense of this, YouTubers say that they are concerned about people’s health. But if they say nothing about drug addiction, smoking, anorexia, bulimia, eating contaminated food, dehydration, which can be fatal, nor any other health hazard, they are LIARS. Their only concerns are to get pleasure from acting superior to others, and so gain views and money.

Some say that fat men should be disqualified from holding high positions of authority, such as judges or Presidents, or that their authority should be rejected. It was said that presidential hopeful Chris Christie had no business running because of his lack of eating discipline. Yet Americans elected alcoholic presidents Franklin Pierce, Chester A. Arthur, and Ulysses Grant. They elected adulterous presidents Thomas Jefferson, Warren G. Harding, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Bill Clinton. Talk about lack of discipline. And U.S. President William Howard Taft, at 330 lbs., was an efficient President. Know that bodyweight is very dependent on metabolism since the vast majority of adults gain much weight as they get older.

But they also gain weight in increments according to specific ages. And some weight loss methods are far too dangerous. NEVER take up smoking, eating tapeworm eggs, or daily vomiting to lose weight. Diet pills are often too dangerous as well, since they can cause heart attacks or strokes from increased blood pressure. As for diet and exercise, they are useless unless you adopt them as a permanent lifestyle change. Upon cessation of diet and/or exercise your body reverts back to its previous state. And if you were once obese, your body will continually fight against all diets, since it has been stretched out and has undergone chemical changes. And anyone who is very obese cannot get the same weight loss through exercise as someone thinner can.

That’s because weight loss via exercise is heavily dependent on the speed of your exercise, and obese people cannot move as fast. Weight loss surgery is hazardous too and is only for the extremely obese. People say that fat people are completely at fault, since nobody in a concentration camp was fat. But pointing out concentration camps actually shows something different; that is, your weight is largely determined by the condition around you. And the condition around people in the United States is the Food Culture. Many people are overly susceptible to our massive amount of restaurants and food advertisements. And because of the food culture, many people turn to overeating after physical or emotional traumas, or because they have a mental disability that leaves them vulnerable to the food culture.

So, discrimination against fat people is unfair discrimination against the unfortunate and handicapped. Furthermore, many people are harassed and browbeaten by family members to gain lots of weight. For example, I lived with my parents most of my life. My mother, who had hundreds of cookbooks, would always do everything to get me to overeat, by always controlling the kitchen, constantly overloading my plate, giving me extra-large plates to disguise the fact that the portions were oversized, and arguing and hollering if I didn’t eat everything, and turning full meals into snacks. I battled it by throwing food out, feeding it to the dog, and taking up running. And my mother was always thin, while she made fun of fat people. This is a common phenomenon; it is a form of control.

Quite a few people do everything they can to make a family member as fat as possible, so that the person is completely dependent on them. Or so that they die prematurely, and their life insurance money can be collected. Considering these facts, if society does not squash its food culture, it owes it to bigger people to provide bigger washroom stalls and double-wide seats on airplanes, in movie theaters, restaurants, schools, and wherever else bigger people must be accommodated. Interestingly, over the years I have developed an attraction to fat women, including those over 400 lbs. I’m still attracted to thin women, but heavier women catch my eye more. Consider that breasts, along with all other womanly curves, are made of fat. And being fat alone does not equal the sin of gluttony.

Gluttony occurs when someone uses extreme overeating as a fetish to gain weight or have someone else gain weight. It also occurs when anyone will not share their food with a truly hungry person. So thin people can be gluttonous too. Being healthy at any weight is totally false, as extreme obesity and extreme thinness are both deadly. But anybody who calls someone a land whale or some such derogative is an idiot. Even if you use polite manners, there is no anti-fat acceptance video in existence that is helpful, and most are harmful. So if you have any such video, DELETE IT.

The only way to help fat people is eliminating the food culture, and ACCEPTANCE. So, before you become a busybody concerning someone’s outward appearance, I leave you with Christian scripture, Matthew 23:28-29: “Woe unto you hypocrites! For ye are like whited tombs, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.” Think about it!


Disable-ism is bigotry against and mistreatment of disabled people. Some groups of disabled people get far worse treatment from society than other so-called marginalized groups. Now two young people, Cody and Veronica, worked together to produce videos. They claimed to be married. Veronica did most of the speaking, while Cody sometimes talked or was featured silently. Here were some popular comments on their former channel:

“Is ur boyfriend fantasizing about shooting up a school the whole time you guys filmed this?” 5 likes. “Your husband was given too many vaccines as a child.” 6 likes [yet there’s no link between vaccines and genetic disabilities]. “What’s Cody’s favorite part about killing small animals?” 6 likes. “Why does the guy stare at us like a creep?” 6 likes. “She definitely gets abused.” 6 likes. “Lol her boyfriend/husband in all her videos seem like a robot” 9 likes. “Your husband is a dirty cinder sucker and an awkward loser.” 11 likes. “An autist blatantly acting like an autist.” 12 likes. “WTF with this guy”. 14 likes. “Who’s the hairy werewolf cuck next to you? GD he weird looking.” 15 likes. “Your boy looks like a school shooter.” 19 likes.

“He has ass burgers.” 24 likes. “Seems like a codependent or abusive relationship. Whatever it is seems dysfunctional.” 25 likes. “100% Cody is awkward autist. I don’t understand how Evalion can’t see that, starting to think she’s also broken.” 30 likes. “Spergs can’t experience the nuances of human relationships. They usually only act out what they see others doing, or become enraged with violence when their twisted minds can’t process the information.” 33 likes. Not only are these comments false, they are libel: written defamation aimed at harming someone’s character. It can sometimes be grounds for a lawsuit. They continue:

“Your baby is going to have some serious ass burgers.” 41 likes. “That dude is clearly not all there, for F sake. 57 likes. “He looks dead inside.” 69 likes. “Wow does that guy look awkward. Looks like a serial killer or some shit. He also comes across as pretty simple.” 87 likes. Someone made posts about Cody titled “Autistic Moments 1-4”, which got a total of 113 likes. “Your friend looks like he suffers from severe retardation.” 124 likes. “That nigga gives me the school shooter vibe.” 130 likes. “She’s really cute, makes me sad that her boyfriend is a little off.” 137 likes. “Are you au- au- au- ………………autistic? ‘Yes I am.’ ” 688 likes. And fifty other nasty comments. Cody also made a video of his own, but removed it due to the incredible amount of insults and overwhelmingly negative responses. There would likely be ten times the bad comments and likes to them if their channel didn’t get terminated after less than a year, for no good reason.

I might get similar responses if I didn’t read off a paper in my videos, which helps me disguise my disability. And we are certainly born this way 100%. Some people, including me, get hate comments such as “please kill yourself” or “drink bleach”. But that’s due to our controversial viewpoints which we semi-anonymously express on the Internet, not who we are as people. Therefore we can take that with a grain of salt. Yet shunning and mistreatment based on who we are is unacceptable.

Now you who claim to be victims of bigotry and mistreatment, whether Atheist, Black, female, gay, Hispanic, Jewish, lesbian, neo-pagan, etc.: I ask a question: Does your status cause you to get even close to the amount of disrespect on the Internet that Cody got? For another example, many men, though highly intelligent, over 40, and having college degrees, are stuck making minimum wage, and can never get a date, let alone marriage equality. If the answer is NO, then take your claim of suffering unfairness and BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS. Furthermore, SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP. FOREVER.

Then we have bigotry and mistreatment based on physical irregularities. Quoting from Tolstoy’s Kreuter Sonata: “It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.” Consider Adam Pearson, who has great facial deformity from tumors, who starred in the sci fi movie Under the Skin. He is featured in numerous Internet videos, which I recommend that you see. Persecution against those with physical deformities starts in childhood. Other children bully, mock, and exclude them. Failure to secure any healthy human relationship or suitable job in adulthood often follows. Now a question to those who cry about unfairness towards Blacks, gays, Hispanics, Jews, women, etc.: Do you give an exorbitant amount of time to these so-called marginalized groups, while saying nothing about Disable-ism? If so, take your rhetoric and BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS. And SHAPE UP or ROT in HELL.

Even more psychotic is that others who respect handicapped people, and handicapped people themselves, both unfairly discriminate against others with *unfamiliar* handicaps. For example, I signed up for a Disabled Dating club. Beside handicaps like paralysis and cerebral palsy, this club welcomed a man with the mental condition known as Asperger’s syndrome, who was high functioning and had no other handicap. They even had a statement of affirmation that you were expected to agree with. It was this: *I affirm that I am not racist, sexist, homophobic or transphobic, discriminatory against disabled or disfigured people, nor disrespectful to men or women.* Yet the administrator messaged me back with: “Sorry sir, but we don’t accept people with severe learning disabilities.” HOW BIZARRE. I never encountered anything more hypocritical or contradictory, outside of Candid Camera or The Twilight Zone. This bizarre marginalization is UNGODLY. So before it becomes commonplace, fight all such injustice that you encounter with everything you’ve got.